Example Of Growing Peppers in the UK! Video Download!

If you’re seriously thinking about growing peppers in the UK, know that peppers can be temperamental compared to the rest of the plants in your garden. Even though these peppers can be finicky, one can consider them to be the top favourites of cooks and gardeners alike. When you grow them right, these peppers can offer you more than just colour to your garden and flavour to your food.

Can I Grow Bell Peppers In the UK?

Yes, you can grow bell peppers anywhere in the UK. Research shows that the country’s southeast produces approximately 38% of the total number of bell peppers grown in the country. Furthermore, the UK’s main bell pepper production areas include the southeastern coast of Kent, southwestern Devonshire, and the central counties.

The most common bell-peppers grown in the country are the open-pollinated varieties that include Keystone Resistant Giant Strains, King Arthur, Sweet Belllifornia Wonder 300, Capistrano, Yolo Wonder, Jupiter, and Grande Rio66. These warm-season vegetable plants grow best in areas where the temperature is anywhere between 75˚F to 85˚F, and they also thrive in well-drained soils.


Is Growing Peppers In the UK Easy?

It sure is! Although peppers are grown as annuals in areas that experience cold winters, these vegetables can be grown as perennials in the UK.

In case you’re a newbie to gardening and horticultural alchemy, an annual plant lives and dies in one season while a perennial comes back for many seasons. In other words, peppers are easy to grow when you’re somewhere within the southern half of the UK. Once you get these plants established in your backyard garden or your polytunnel, you won’t have to replant them every year.

A vegetable garden in the UK won’t be complete without myriads of colourful and tasty pepper varieties that range from mild to spicy hot!


How Do You Grow Good Peppers In the UK?

Growing peppers in the UK will require you to plant them in areas that get a lot of sunshine. You’ll also need to transplant them into moist soil with a vegetable fertiliser during the late afternoon or early evening. To produce good peppers, remember to sprinkle the young and tender plants lightly with water every day for about five days before watering them every week.

Top Vegetables That Grow Best In the UK

Thanks to the UK’s growing climate, gardeners can choose to grow a wide variety of vegetable crops all-year-round such as rhubarb, radicchio, asparagus, and artichoke. Aside from the fact that these vegetables require minimal maintenance, you can also grow them all year and year after year. Take a closer look at each of them here:



Although most people know that cobbler and pie won’t taste the same without rhubarb, not everybody knows that rhubarb is a prolific vegetable plant. When they’re mature enough, these plants can grow up to four feet tall with the crunchiest and sweetest green-, red-, or pink-coloured stalks.

Furthermore, their leaves can also be an excellent addition to your compost pile. However, keep in mind that it’s not a good idea to eat rhubarb leaves due to their high oxalic acid content. In case you’re wondering, high doses of this chemical compound can be toxic to human health.

You can expect these vegetables to produce for up to eight years. During the first year, you’ll only get to harvest a couple of stalks, but you’ll harvest a little bit more starting in the second year. By the third year, you’ll be able to harvest a lot of stalks.



The red-leafed chicory called Radicchio is another vegetable that grows well in the UK. Although it looks a lot like a ruby red cabbage with white veins, its head doesn’t grow more significant than the size of a grapefruit, and it stays compact.

What makes this plant interesting is the fact that it turns sweeter as the weather turns cooler. You have the option to harvest their leaves during the growing season or cut the whole plant off when its head reaches its complete form.



 If there’s one thing you need to know about this vegetable crop, it’s the fact that it takes longer to establish it than other types of vegetables. For instance, if you decide to plant crowns, you’ll need to wait for a year before you can harvest them. On the other hand, if you start planting from seed, a waiting time of up to three years is required before you get to harvest your asparagus.

Although growing them takes a little more commitment on your part, you won’t regret it once you enjoy a bountiful harvest of fresh asparagus spears for up to 30 years. Between planting and harvest time, your garden will be graced with flowery asparagus spears and their tall and feathery ferns that are a sight to behold.



With buds that look like beautiful pinecones in green and purple varieties and green leaves with a hint of silver in them, artichokes will make any ornamental garden look glorious. What’s more, they don’t just look nice – they taste great too! These plants can yield for up to five years.


Is It A Great Idea To Grow Peppers In A Polytunnel?

Yes, it is! Whether you’re dreaming about yielding a harvest of mild or spicy hot peppers, you can expect to reap a great harvest if you plant your peppers in a polytunnel. Aside from stabilising your plants’ growing environment by protecting them from harsh weather conditions and pests, a polytunnel can also be your haven and a place of mindfulness where you can be free to nurture and care for your plants.


Tips For Planting Peppers In A Polytunnel

With a polytunnel, you can provide your peppers with enough warmth, moisture, and light to develop generously and healthily. To get you started, check out these tips.


Soak pepper seeds

If you want to speed up your pepper’s maturing period, all you have to do is to soak the seeds for about 10 minutes before you plant them. Doing so will soften the pepper’s hard seed cover and enhance its germination time.


Let them get at least 6 hours of direct sunlight

If you want to grow the best-tasting peppers in the UK, find a location within your polytunnel that gets about 6 hours of direct sunlight daily and place your peppers in that spot.


Maintain proper temperature control

One of the best things about setting up your own polytunnels is that it allows you to maintain proper control of your plant’s growing conditions, including the temperature. You’ll make your pepper seedlings happy if the daytime temperature is kept at about 70˚F and the evening temperature at 60˚.


Use a powerful water hose to remove pests

You can get those pesky aphids and other pests from your adult plants if you hose them down. However, keep in mind that experts do not recommend this method for young seedlings.


Keep the soil wet

Peppers need plenty of water to thrive. For this reason, it’s best to keep the soil consistently wet. When the temperatures rise, be sure to water them daily and apply an inch of water every four days.


Plant them in nutrient-rich soil

Make sure that you plant your peppers in soil that has enough calcium and phosphorus in it. Furthermore, keep the soil pH at 6.0 to 7.0 and its temperature at 70˚F to enhance the plant’s germination process.



When it comes to growing peppers in the UK, nothing beats growing them in a polytunnel. Krostrade offers top-quality polytunnels manufactured from the most robust and most durable materials. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our products.

how to divide Shasta daisies

How To Divide Shasta Daisies? 3 New Steps!

Have you ever wondered how to divide Shasta daisies? Flowers like daisies are great plants that give colour to our dull UK surroundings.

Daisies, like other flowers, have their variation and particular planting techniques.

Every plant has its methods and techniques for growing. We have marcotting, cutting, and more.

Some sprouts from seeds and others that grow to other plants’ stem. Others don’t even need soil as they only need water, sunlight, and air.

Daisies, however, have a particular method of planting and propagating. Dividing daisies is one of these techniques. So how does it work?

For the first time gardeners, let’s first introduce our flower—the Shasta daisy.


What Is A Shasta Daisy?

I’m sure you have heard of the word ‘daisy’ from anyone that grows flowers, right?

Well, did you know that daisies of various types of rejuvenating and stimulating growth for around a year in the UK and healthy blooming?

Shasta daisy is a type of daisy that lasts a year-round of evergreen foliage.

Learning how to grow them can provide a great low maintenance perennial plant perfect for covering your bare spots of your garden.

When you plant a Shasta daisy, make sure that the soil is fertile because it is necessary to complete your daisy bloom beautifully.

Make sure to have a sound drainage system. Shasta daisies can also be aided with some other organic materials with the soil when planting.

This type of flower has low maintenance so you won’t have a hard time tending to it every time.

Shasta daisies could be deadheaded, cut back at September, and divided.

But what we’re going to discuss is the dividing method of propagating Shasta daisies.

Why Divide?

Dividing daisies is an excellent way of propagating them. Why?

It is because dividing is the fastest way to increase the numbers of this type of flower.

The division is also the quickest way to create a colony of Shasta daisies compared to the traditional seed –planting method.


When To Divide?

The best time in dividing perennials is during the autumn season. Autumn gives the flowering time to grow and collect energy for the blooming season.

During this season, the roots will start to establish their ground hold for the primary growing season.

It is also best to do the dividing under a cloudy sky. That means you should divide Shasta daisies on a cloudy day.

Where there is less stress for plants. For easier dividing, cut the spent stems six inches from the ground.


How To Divide?

Now comes our question. How to divide Shasta daisies?

Anything is easy and fast as long as you have all you need.

Dividing does not only include the tools you need but also the knowledge of the task at hand.


Step #1. Preparing the necessary tools

Prepare the necessary tools needed in planting. Preparation includes the plant itself and the planting spot.

Before you cut the plant’s stems, make sure you already have a planting spot for it.

Most daisies prefer full sunlight, Shasta daisies on the other hand prefer partial shade.

Dig 8 to 10 inches into the ground.

Mix some compost or an organic fertiliser for a better result.


Step #2. Preparing the plant

In the division process, cut the stems back 6 inches from the ground. It will be easier to handle with the branches cut.

Removal of the stems also lessens the moisture loss during this process.

When you divide the clump of daisies, you can use your hands only.

Pull them apart gently with your hands.

Usually, the outer part is best suited for division, and you can discard the centre part.

Once you’ve cut the stems, excavate the soil around the root zone of the plant carefully.

Dig under the roots and lift the entire plant. Then shake off the dirt but do it gently.


Step #3. Planting

Plant three to four stems of Shasta daisies in each hole.

Then add soil around the roots and pat it gently to discard air bubbles formed underneath it but make sure not to make it compact.

Do not plant it too deep as it may kill the plant instead.

Add water to the plant to help it soak and stay in the soil. Water your plants diligently.

You can also use mulch around the plant. You can use natural mulch like dry grass or barks, which conserve the moisture and helps to moderate the soil temperature.

When springtime comes, be ready to see your new buds bloom and beautify your garden.



Shasta daisies, as mentioned above, also has a particularly effective way of propagating, which UK experts call dividing.

Having read through this article, you now know how to divide Shasta daisies.

With all different kinds of plants in the UK comes other techniques and methods of planting.

It is a benefit if you know what to do and access all these techniques.

As the saying goes, “Ignorance is bliss while knowledge is power.”

Knowing various things will not only benefit yourself but others that surround you also.

how to plant lotus seeds

How to Plant Lotus Seeds? 5 Powerful Tips!

Want to know how to plant lotus seeds? Lotus flowers may seem exotic and hard to grow, but they thrive in cold-hardy areas in the United Kingdom.


5 Practical Tips in Planting Lotus Seeds

If you’re looking to plant lotus seeds, here are some tips you need to remember:


Tip 1: The best time to plant lotus seeds

The best time to plant your lotus seeds is during early summer, around the first or second week of May. Your plants will have more time to mature and survive throughout the cold winter months. But if the weather is still too cold during early May, you can start planting your lotus indoors or in a polytunnel until the weather becomes friendly enough.

Tip 2: They need full sun

Be sure that you placed your lotus plants under the full sun for at least six hours. Placement under the full sun ensures that they will successfully bloom.



Tip 3: Scarify the seeds

It would help if you scarified the seeds because otherwise, your lotus plant will not reproduce. Here’s how: hold the lotus seed in place and use a metal file to eliminate the brown coating. After filing the seed, you should be able to see a cream-coloured seed. Be careful not to file the seed further as it may damage the pulp below it and cause the seed to rot and not germinate.


Tip 4: Place the seeds in the container

Drop the seed in a container with water. If you notice that the water becomes cloudy, replace it with fresh, clean water. Never fertilise your lotus seed because it may cause it to rot.

You’ll notice when the germination begins because a shoot will grow from the seed and form a coin leaf. Once this happens, transfer the seed with the node to your growing pot with one-part loam and one-part clay soil. Place the shoot a couple of inches above the ground.

Don’t worry if the seed is floating because it will eventually sink and form roots in the soil. You can also gently place the see in the soil but be extra careful not to break the shoot and the leaves attached to it.


Tip 5: Fertilize

You can fertilise your lotus plants every three weeks throughout the growing season once the coin leaves grow out of the water and become aerial leaves.


Tips on How to Take Care of Your Lotus Plant

After you’ve started your lotus plant from seed, the next step is to know how to take care of it. Here are a few tips you should know about taking care of lotus plants:


The water temperature should be about 70 degrees F for lotus plants

Your lotus plants will only grow if the water and air temperature are at 70 degrees F. You can expect your flowers to bloom in the water three to four weeks after with a temperature of 80 degrees F. Be sure to check the water and air temperature every two days. If you live in areas with an erratic climate, you may want to grow your lotus plants in a controlled environment, such as a greenhouse.


Lotus plants prefer to be under direct sunlight

These plants grow best in full sun for at least five to six hours per day. For lotus flowers in partially shaded areas, remove the foliage or other materials that block the sun’s rays.


Prune wilted, yellowed, and damaged leaves

To maintain its appearance, be sure to prune your plants. Do not remove flowers and leaf stems below the water level as the plants use them for oxygen. Keep in mind that lotus plants are invasive, so you can also remove new growth if you want. But the best solution to stop growth is to report it in spring.


Fertilise your lotus using pond tabs

Pond tabs are fertiliser specific to aquatic plants. You can usually start fertilising when you see at least six leaves develop on the tubers. Be sure not to place the fertiliser directly on the plant as it does more harm than good.

The amount of fertiliser your plant needs depends on its size. For instance, small varieties generally need two tabs, while bigger ones may require three to four. Stop fertilising in the middle of July to prepare your plant for dormancy.


The Benefits of Using a Semi-pro polytunnel for Your Plants

There are several reasons why you should try using a semipro greenhouse, and here are some of them:

Greenhouses are great for starting seeds before transplanting them to your garden. The enclosed space provides your plants with the warmth and protection they need to grow healthy.

Greenhouses are also great in keeping pests out. You can lower the risk of pest infestations by growing your plants inside the polytunnel and adding traps and screens.

Greenhouses protect your plants from bad weather. Growing them inside the enclosed space shields them from heavy rain, high winds, storms, etc.


Final Thoughts on How to Plant Lotus Seeds

Keep in mind that lotus seeds are invasive, so it’s essential to know how to plant lotus seeds properly and take care of them. Fortunately, caring for lotus plants in the UK is easy – remember to place them in a sunny spot and fertilise them once in a while.


How to Divide And Transplant Bleeding Hearts? More Facts!

Moving your plants to a new location may not seem like a significant issue, but not following how divide and transplant bleeding hearts can be lethal to their roots.

These perennials are known for their heart-shaped blooms that have never failed to catch people’s attention during spring. However, when the flowers that one suppose to tint in pink or white look yellowish and weak, they may need to be transplanted.

Location in the UK may not always be the reason why your bleeding hearts are wilting, though. But if you’re dutifully taking care of them and still haven’t grown properly, the location might be the issue. Even if you aren’t sure why your bleeding hearts are wilting, transplanting them may reverse or slow down the wilting.


The Proper Way of Transplanting Bleeding Hearts

The location is indeed the biggest concern, but keep in mind that bleeding hearts have sensitive roots, so they don’t like to be disturbed. If you handle them carelessly, they might refuse to grow instead of blooming in the new area.

When is the best time to move bleeding hearts?

There is no rule about when you can move bleeding hearts. Whenever you feel the need to, like when they are not developing in their original area, one can transplant them. You are also encouraged to cut some stems or divide them in the process.

However, moving them during early spring can minimise stress to their roots, thus increasing their survival chances. Remember to transplant them before the new growth comes because the right timing can benefit their development.

If you have noticed their need to be transplanted after they have barely bloomed in the spring, you still have your chance in fall. This time, move them while they are in dormancy or after they lose their leaves during summer.


Where should you transplant bleeding hearts?

If the right timing can aid in the healthy development of your bleeding hearts, the location, on the other hand, is what makes growth possible in the first place. Make sure that you move them to an area that can provide the ideal conditions they require.

As mentioned before, they don’t like when the Uk gardener moves them around much, so if the new spot is also not compatible with their growth, you may have to transplant them again. If you keep on disturbing their roots, they will most likely wither in the end.

The chosen area must have plenty of exposure to light, but not so much during afternoons where the heat may be too intense for their comfort. Therefore, go for a partially shaded spot that can protect them from the harsh sun.

While there is no particular type of soil perfect for them, they prefer it loose and rich in organic matter. Bleeding hearts like the ground to stay moist but not too soggy, so it must be able to drain well to keep the moisture moderate.


How to divide and transplant bleeding hearts?

Moving them can be tricky, but it will be worth the risk. For better results, prepare the planting site beforehand. The hole must be double the size of its roots, and one must dig it before removing the bleeding heart from its original location.

When digging the plant out, you must keep at least a six to twelve inches radius from its base to preserve as much of the root’s mass since they easily get damaged when disturbed. Please don’t keep them away from the ground too long, so plant them as soon as possible.


Why Should You Plant Bleeding Hearts in a Greenhouse?

Have you considered planting your bleeding hearts in a greenhouse? Many gardeners are curious about polytunnel gardening but are hesitant to try because they think it’s too expensive to buy or build. But there are more affordable options available, such as mini-greenhouses. They’re smaller, but they provide the same benefits as regular greenhouses offer.

If you’re still on the fence, here are several reasons why you should plant your bleeding hearts in a greenhouse:


Greenhouses keep pests away

Animals and harmful pests such as aphids, thrips, deer, moles, and more, would love to munch on your flowers, leaves, and fruits. These critters are persistent, and some of them are hard to spot. Since prevention is always better than cure, placing your plants inside a polytunnel and adding screens and traps can reduce the risk of pest infestations.


Greenhouses are great for starting seeds

Greenhouses are great for starting seeds as it provides year-round warmth and protection. They’ll be kept safe inside the enclosure, and you wouldn’t have to place them in your garages or basements.


Grow more plants and extend the growing season

With a greenhouse, you’ll be able to extend the growing season of your plants since you’ll be able to control the indoor environment with the help of polytunnel equipment. You’ll also be able to choose from warm-weather or cold-weather plants regardless of the season and the UK area you live.


Final Thoughts on How to Divide and Transplant Bleeding Hearts

After fully grasping the idea of how to divide and transplant bleeding hearts, it is time to put your knowledge into practice. The process itself is not complicated, but make sure that you delicately handle the roots, as their survival largely depends on that.


How To Get Rid Of Asp Caterpillars? 4 Special Tips!

Are you looking to find ways on how to get rid of asp caterpillars in your garden? Perhaps as you were walking through your beautifully-tended UK garden, you spotted a group of tiny moths flying all around it. You probably didn’t think that it was an issue until you took one long, hard look at the moth that just landed on one of your ornamental shrubs.


A Closer Look at the Asp Caterpillar

The asp caterpillar, also known as the puss caterpillar, is characterised by its long hairs and its wings’ flannel-like appearance. If you’re not aware, this happens to be a nasty stinging creature that you wouldn’t want to have in your botanical oasis. In most cases, gardening enthusiasts usually spot these creatures during certain times of the year, mainly when the climate is mostly dry.


They look cute and furry

The colours of these unwanted insects can be grey, yellow, blond, or reddish-brown, and its shape almost looks like a teardrop. However, what sets the asp caterpillar apart is its long and silky hairs that look a lot like fur.

Children who spot them often gush about how cute and furry these creatures are. Many of them make the mistake of touching these caterpillars. For this reason, it’s best to advise your kids not to touch it should they see one in your garden.

They feed on foliage

Just like any other type of caterpillar, the asp caterpillar won’t be able to resist the foliage of different kinds of trees and shrubs. They would gladly feast on the leaves of elms, oaks, pecans, hackberry, and hollies without thinking twice.


They’re extremely dangerous

While these pests may rarely cause severe damage to your favourite plants, they can pose a health hazard to you and your loved ones. Children and the elderly are usually the ones who are susceptible to their sting.

The asp caterpillar’s venomous hair embeds itself in the exposed skin of anyone who touches them.

These caterpillars pose a considerable health hazard to anyone who comes in contact with them. It’s also important to note that the older and more significant the asp caterpillar is, the more venom it carries.


What Happens to a Person Who Gets Stung by an Asp Caterpillar?

The asp caterpillar’s victims usually complain of immediate pain that occurs at the site of the sting. Soon, a reddish, grid-like pattern will become more apparent on the sting site. One can note that this pattern would look a lot like the asp caterpillar’s venomous spines pattern.

Furthermore, other possible symptoms would include splitting headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Other more severe effects of an asp caterpillar’s sting would be difficulty breathing or shock.


Tips on How to Get Rid of Asp Caterpillars

If you find yourself dealing with an asp caterpillar, take caution. These fleecy, furry, harmless-looking yard insects can a nasty thing. Here’s how you can safely get rid of asp caterpillars:


Tip #1: Protect yourself and your family

Once an asp caterpillar infestation is detected, be sure to advise everyone in your household to steer clear of the area so that they won’t get stung. Next, make sure that you dressed appropriately to handle the matter.

Since it’s possible for these creatures to drop out of trees without you noticing suddenly, don’t enter infested areas without a wide-brimmed hat, a shirt that’s buttoned at the neck, as well as sturdy and heavy rubber gloves. Inspect your clothing as often as possible. Should you see an asp caterpillar on your dress, remove them with your gloved hand and place them in any container that contains soapy water to seal their fate. Flush these creatures down the drain.


Tip #2: Don’t lean against anything without checking the surface

If you’re not aware, mature asp caterpillars tend to leave their feeding places to find another spot where they can spin a cocoon. As they move to a different location, one can see them crawling somewhere in the infested garden. For this reason, it’s best to avoid leaning against any surface or sitting down without first checking for the presence of these caterpillars.


Tip #3: Use rosemary oil

Did you know that rosemary oil can be a natural pesticide? The best part is, they won’t harm the beneficial insects that kill the asp caterpillars. Grab a squirt bottle and place rosemary oil in it. Spray it on every asp caterpillar you see.

While you can permanently eliminate asp caterpillars with the use of traditional pesticides, experts advise against it. Since these types of pesticides also stop the asp caterpillar’s natural predators, you’ll run the risk of a re-infestation in the next season.


Tip #4: Use Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt)

If you’re not interested in hunting down or handling these caterpillars, you can go for the most effective solution called Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt). The solution happens to be bacteria that naturally occurs in soil, and it’s known to eliminate asp caterpillars by causing damage to their stomach lining whether you have Bt in powder or liquid form, just dust or mist it onto your plants.

Don’t worry, Bt won’t cause any harm to humans, your plants, pets, and other beneficial insects. It’s only toxic to asp caterpillars and some other worms and moths that can destroy your garden.


Planning to GivepolytunnelGardening a Try?

Don’t stop yourself from getting into polytunnel gardening. Aside from having more control over your plants’ growing environment, this can also help keep those asp caterpillars at bay.  Now that you know how to get rid of asp caterpillars deal with them as soon as you can!

How to Get Chrysanthemum to Bloom Again? 5 Effective Tips!

If you want to know how to get chrysanthemum to bloom again, then you must be very serious about honing your gardening skills. Perhaps you already know that the plants’ flowers refuse to grow in the UK when it’s near the end of a plant’s growing season. However, you’ll be glad to know that there are ways to go around that.


A Closer Look at Mums

Mums, or otherwise known as chrysanthemums, come in different colours, sizes, and petal shapes. However, regardless of the cultivar, no one can argue that you cannot help but want to see their blooms for more extended periods.

Regrettably, they only last as fall approaches and until the season has just transitioned to winter. What is more unfortunate is that there are cases that mums do not bloom when they should, or they don’t last for as long as they were supposed to.


How to Encourage the Blooming of Mums

Generally, mums are not demanding with their needs, which makes them low-maintenance plants. However, people often take it as a signal that neglecting them is fine, which should not be the case. If you want them to bloom, give them attention.

Numerous possible reasons can explain why your mums are not blooming during the time you expect them to. One of which is that these plants have thousands of varieties, so some bloom faster and earlier than others.

However, there is also a chance that you have done something wrong or your efforts in cultivating them were not enough. You don’t have to tend to them every hour of the day, but they need appropriate light, water, fertilisers, and pruning.


5 Must-Have Tips on How to Get Chrysanthemum to Bloom Again

Are you ready to get your pretty mums to bloom again? To get you started on this exciting journey, be sure to keep the following tips in mind:


Tip #1: Feed and water them well

The first and perhaps most effective tip is to take care of your mums well. If you want to keep that bloom last for as long as possible, feed them well and provide as much water as it requires.


Tip #2: Get rid of the withered flowers

If you want to encourage the flowers that are yet to grow, remove the ones that have withered. As you cannot recover the dead blooms no matter what, you better stop them from unnecessarily consuming nutrients that are supposed to be for the new growth.


Tip #3: Add mulch

Their flowers are bound to be dormant as winter looms, but you can extend the blooms by adding mulch. Those serve as protection from the lowering temperature, which is lethal for Mums.


Tip #4: Choose strong mums when buying

If you are going to buy mums, you have to guarantee that you choose a strong one, at the very least for apparent reasons. And as they thrive in warm temperatures, make sure not to place them in a location that barely has access to sunlight.


Tip #5: Make sure that you don’t overwinter them

Do not overwater mums, but do not allow the soil to get dry. Keep it moist by watering them before the ground becomes parched. You can also soak them in shallow water or fully submerge them for a few hours before bringing them out again.


The Top Benefits of Growing Your Plants in a Greenhouse

Growing plants inside polytunnels one of the best decisions you could ever make. Aside from providing them with the protection, they need against the constant threat of seasonal pests, unwanted critters, and bad weather conditions,polytunnelgardening also gives you more opportunities to amp up your gardening game. Here are some of the best reasons why you should try your hand at growing your plants inside a mini, hobby, or semi-pro greenhouse:


Your plants get to grow under the best conditions

Growing your plants in an enclosed space means having the freedom to customise their growing environment according to their unique needs. For example, you can freely adjust the temperature, humidity, and light levels to encourage your plants to thrive well.


You won’t have to worry about landscaping

Unlike traditional outdoor gardening, where you have to grow your plants straight from the ground,polytunnelgardening allows you to grow them in containers that you can freely move around and arrange according to your liking. Withpolytunnelgardening, you can finally say goodbye to costly landscaping expenses.


You’ll be able to extend your plants’ growing seasons

Since polytunnel is a controlled environment, it allows you to grow certain types of plants that aren’t native to your UK region. It doesn’t matter if you live in an area where the climate is cold, mainly because you’ll be able to maintain a constant level of temperature inside the enclosed space. Maintenance of temperature is good news to anyone who always wanted to have a year-round tropical oasis in their very own backyard!


You’ll get to grow your food

One of the best things about shifting to polytunnel gardening is that it provides you with numerous opportunities to grow your food in the UK. Think about how much money you’re going to save on grocery shopping! Plus, you can be sure that you and your family enjoy fresh produce that the UK manufacturers do not contaminate by toxic chemicals and pesticides.



After following the proper methods of how to get chrysanthemum to bloom again, rest assured that the showstopping flowers will make their appearance in no time. Maintenance and regular check-up are the keys, so sticking with a routine should be your priority.


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