4 New Steps Of How To Quilt A Baby Blanket?

Learning how to quilt a baby blanket is a great way to pass the time. Creating one from scratch involves cutting up fabrics into tiny pieces and sewing them onto a thick batting. 


Not only does quilting teach you a new skill, but it also gives you the chance to create a gift straight from the heart.


Quilted baby blankets are the perfect present for your (or your friend’s) newborn or toddler.


Do you want to know how to make a warm, comfortable blanket for your little angel? Continue reading, and you will learn the easiest way to create one all by yourself.


Step-By-Step Guide On How To Quilt A Baby Blanket

Quilting a baby blanket is fun, easy, and simple but very time-intensive. The process, however, can be made quicker by using the right tools. 


Step 1. Prepare the materials

To make a baby blanket quilt, you will need:


  • Rotary cutters (or a pair of sharp scissors)
  • Cutting mat
  • Ruler
  • Different straight and safety pins
  • Threads
  • Multiple fabrics of different colours (for the front and the back)
  • Quilt batting
  • Iron


Quilt battings are the thick material in quilts that add extra warmth to them. There are multiple quilt batting options available, but cotton would be best for beginners.


To create a quilt, you will need to sew. You can either use a sewing machine or choose to sew by hand.


The latter option, however, is more time-consuming, but both will get the job done.


There are many quilt patterns to choose from, ranging from very simple to highly complex. For this tutorial, let’s use the simplest one: the patchwork quilt.


This pattern involves cutting up cloth into symmetrical squares and sewing them all together.


Step 2. Prepare the fabrics

Wash the fabrics first before cutting them. Washing the fabrics first will let them shrink up to size and remove any excess dyes and stuck dirt.


Afterwards, iron out the wrinkles of the cloth to stretch them out and make them look neat.


Baby blankets often found in the size of 30 inches x 30 inches.


Of course, you can choose to make one of a different size, but remember to add a ¼ inch allowance on each side of the squares to make them easier to sew together.


For example, to create a 30 x 30 blanket with 5-inch squares, you will need thirty-six 5 ½ “x 5 ½” squares.


Cut the fabric into squares of equal sizes and lay them out into rows and columns. In this part of the process, you are designing your very own blanket!


Step 3. Quilting

Here comes the most effortful but most rewarding step. You have to sew your squares, batting, and fabric together.


Start sewing the squares together, row by row. Put two squares on top of each other and stitch the ¼ inch allowance.


Lay them out flat and repeat the process for the next square. You should only see all the stitches from the backside of the patchwork.


Afterwards, you will end up with long, thin strips of fabric. Iron out the creases of the material and begin sewing them together.


To do this, put them on top of each other and sew the ¼ inch allowances together.


Now that you have the front of your quilt, what’s left is to attach it to the batting and the back fabric. Cut the batting and the backing 2 inches bigger than the front. 


Layout your fabrics in order of their appearance: The backing underneath, the batting in the middle, and the quilt pattern on top.


Line up the sides and smooth out the wrinkles, working from the centre to the quilt’s edges. 


Pin the fabrics together from the centre outwards (or use basting spray) to hold them all together. Sew the layers together, starting from the centre and moving outwards.


You can follow the seams you have created between the patchwork pieces or choose to sew them freehand.


All that is left is to add the bindings – the corners of the quilt that will hold them in place.


Cut a piece of the fabric long enough to cover a side of your quilt, with a width of around 2.5 – 3 inches.


Iron out the bindings lengthwise to create a seam, and pin them in place. Using a ½ inch seam, attach the binding to the blanket by sewing them together.


Repeat this for all sides. 


Fold any excess bindings and sew them onto the blanket. Remove all the pins and safely keep all the materials away.


Step 4. Enjoy

Congratulations! Your hard work has finally paid off. You have created your very own quilted baby blanket that your little recipient will surely love!


Learning how to quilt a baby blanket is an easy task. The subsequent steps of repeated cutting and sewing are a bit more complicated but worth the effort.


You can use the quilt to warm up your baby or give it a present for someone else’s newborn. With this knowledge, you can even start your own quilting business!

how does an electric blanket work

Exclusive Tip How Does An Electric Blanket Work?

Imagine all the things that a heater can do, but this time a blanket is doing the task of keeping you warm. Well, how does an electric blanket work?

In this tutorial, you will learn how it works and address issues you might encounter along the way when using it. Sometimes a heater falls short of providing warmth. Long, cold nights can worsen physical ailments like menstrual pains and arthritis. This invention is the answer to your protests of discomfort. 

How Does An Electric Blanket Work?

We still consider an electric blanket as a UK household appliance. Why? Because it needs to be plugged into a wall to supply electricity. 

Electric blankets go by other names, too, such as an electric bedspread or throw. There is no mystery here. This type of blanket works through an internal system of insulated wires that can cater to different heat levels, adjustable through the temperature controller. 

You can ignore its weight as well. Usually, it uses lightweight materials like polyester and acrylic. Two UK people can share the warmth in a king-size bed. 

Electric blankets use 120 volts of electricity to power themselves. They can produce 64-77° Fahrenheit of heat at low temperatures that can reach up to 118-132° in high settings. If you’re itching to know, yes, you can machine wash it too! 

Safety Tips

  • Do not throw away the manual. Please read it thoroughly to understand it fully. Review the specifications and carefully follow the instructions.
  • Among all hazards, your primary concern is the hazard of starting a fire. Be careful enough not to pierce any section. Although the materials prevent fire, frayed linen can cause short-circuits that can be dangerous.
  • It’s also advisable to check for burn marks and deformations or anything unusual. In the presence of one, investigate first before you consider plugging it in. While unplugged, spot holes where wires can stick out or fabric might deteriorate.
  • How about the morning after? Well, make sure that you turn it off and unplug it. Under any circumstance, please do not leave it overnight due to the risk of overheating and malfunctioning. 
  • If you’re in the early stages of pregnancy, it’s better to refrain from using one. Overheated blankets might lead to miscarriage. Consult your doctor first for any alternatives. 

Common Concerns

  • Should a regular blanket go under an electric blanket? The answer is no. Always remember to put an electric blanket over any covering, and also your body.
  • If you fear forgetting to shut off the blanket gives you anxiety, consider buying one in the UK with an automatic system. Doing so will remove the responsibility to check it regularly. 
  • Who among age groups is appropriate to use it? Young children, including those with cognitive impairments, are discouraged from using this blanket. They might be unable to operate the blanket without supervision.
  • Should I use it for my pets? Frankly, the coat of fur possessed by your pets removes the need for a blanket. It’s unnecessary, and they could chew and damage the wires instead, leading to hazards. 
  • How about those with skin conditions? Well, UK people with sensitive skin must evaluate the risks first. Even those in the UK who have diabetes could receive burns due to the decreased skin sensitivity. 

Now we will proceed to the step-by-step process of using an electric blanket.

Steps on using electric blankets 

The instructions laid out here are broad, and we advise you to consult the manual first. For practical reasons, we added technical questions you might have before buying in the UK.

Step#1. Spread the electric blanket on your bed

Step#2. Place the controller at the foot of the bed, away from the head

Step#3. Plug the blanket’s cord and then into the socket of a wall

Step#4. Choose your preferred settings

Step#5. Sleep with comfort

How much does it cost?

Great news for you: an electric blanket is cheaper than a regular heater. An array of models are available in the market. As for the cost, blankets range from £20 reaching up to £300 for fancier models. 

As a bonus, you can cut corners on the heating bill. At night, you can lower down the thermostat a few notches. Instead of heating the whole UK house, you pay for the heat directed to your body when using a blanket.

How much electricity does it consume?

Electric blankets consume insignificant amounts of electricity among appliances. How often and for how long do you use it? Of course, this will also depend on your UK household’s consumption. 

What features should an electric blanket have?

An excellent electric blanket should have a heat adjustment tool, multiple heat settings, and low voltage.


Now you know the answer to the question, “how does an electric blanket work”. If you dread frosty nights, you could wear socks and thick sweaters – but they can’t follow you to bed. Winter can trigger all sorts of aches in your body if you go unprotected from the cold.

That’s why this is the time for you to grab an electric blanket. Again, read the manual carefully to know how yours specifically work. Use this tutorial to help you figure out the rest.

how to make a double-sided minky blanket

Bonus How To Make A Double-Sided Minky Blanket?

Making a double-sided Minky blanket can just be done in a few simple steps. You have to prepare your materials, sew and tack together both the Minky fabric together. Detailed below is the procedure on how to make a double-sided Minky blanket. 

What Is A Double-Sided Minky?

A double-sided Minky is a soft and silky fabric that has a raised pile. It does not pill and still stays soft even after you wash it.

It called double-sided because, unlike the usual Minky, this has the soft Minky pile on both sides of the fabric. So there is no flat woven side of the material.

Even with this, its piles are not the same. The Minky pile on the front side of the fabric is shorter than the back of the material.

It is the type of fabric ideal for blankets, pillowcases, robes, and even soft cuddly toys.

How to Make a Double-Sided Minky Blanket?

Step #1: Preparation of materials

The materials you will be needing are your sewing machine, Minky fabric, straight pins, and a pair of fabric scissors. To be creative, you can use different colours of Minky fabric for both sides. If this is the case, opt for a light colour when it comes to the thread. White will be a perfect fit. 

Step #2: Preparation of the Minky fabric

Start by laying your Minky fabric facing up. You can start with a yard and a half for your blanket. Next is to apply the other material on top of it, facing the wrong side. With this, cut your fabric even with your desired size and shape. It is necessary, so both your material are of the same shape and size. 

After this, attach your pins to the edges of your fabric. It will keep the material from moving in different directions. This step is essential, so both the cloth are well aligned. 

A good tip is to make use of the dots on the Minky fabric. It will help you in measuring and placing your pins coordinately. 

Since your fabric faces the wrong directions, you have to turn your edges the right way. Ensure you leave materials between two pins where you hang your fabric in the right direction. 

Step #3: Sewing the fabric together

Start sewing your Minky fabric`s edges. You can do about an inch in when you sew. Keep in mind that you are sewing fabrics together, so better be alert with your materials. You would not want one of them to crumple.

Sew around the edges but keep in mind the huge gap we left for turning in. When you have met your pins, turn the fabric to the right side out. Remember to trim your corners so they will not look bulky when turned into the right side out. 

Step #4: Closing the gap

Pin the hole shut. Remember to fold it so it would match its sides. Then do a top seam to all of the edges of the blanket. This action will close the opening. Do a quarter and a half-inch top seam around the fabric. This step is the finishing touch of the overall double-sided Minky blanket.

What if you want both of the fabrics tacked together?

Since we have only sewn the edges of the Minky fabrics, they can still get separated in the middle. To avoid this, you can quilt the middle part of the blanket in a crosswise motion. It will keep both the fabrics together, avoiding that gap in between.

What is so particular about Minky blankets?

Minky blankets are softer than typical fabric. Its softness also lasts longer, even after a few washes. It is a hundred per cent polyester, making it thicker and plusher than fleece, making up most blankets.  It is also more durable than your usual blankets. It stays soft and keeps you warm for an extended period. 

Just a simple tip on washing your Minky blankets: avoid doing a big load of washing all at once. Minky fabric tends to shed. When washing Minky fabric, it is ideal to use the traditional laundry detergent and avoid using the pod detergent. It keeps your Minky blankets last longer. 

Are Minky blankets safe for babies?

Because of its softness and warmth, many people in the UK wanted to put this Minky blanket on their toddlers. But the question is, is it safe for them to use? Luckily, yes! Minky fabric is perfect for babies. Not only does this blanket keep them warm and comfortable, but there are also hypoallergenic Minky blankets. 

What if it loses its softness?

A fabric softener may cause the fabric to lose its softness. When this happens, try to bring it back by washing your fabric in cold water and vinegar, do not add detergent. 


Making a double-sided Minky blanket is not as hard as it looks. It only requires simple materials like the Minky fabric, a sewing machine, scissors, and some pins. The whole process will take you about an hour to finish, depending on the size of your blanket. Now that you know how to make a double-sided Minky blanket make one today for you and your loved ones!

how to make a cloak out of a blanket

5 New Steps How To Make A Cloak Out Of A Blanket?

Cloaks are versatile pieces of fabric used widely around the world. If you ever need one, this article will teach you how to make a cloak out of a blanket in just five easy steps! 

What Materials Do You Need?

Making a cloak out of a blanket is a relatively simple affair. You will need only a few things. 

  • A pattern – You can find many designs for cloaks online. However, if you need it ASAP, you can use a hoodie as a template.
  • Tailor’s chalk – You need something to help you mark certain areas of the fabric you’ll be using. You can use anything, but tailor’s chalk is the most recommended because it is easy to wash off.
  • Measuring tape – Use this to ensure that the cloak will fit nicely on you or the person who will wear it.
  • Pins and needles – You will use the pins to hold the fabric in place while you sew the material with your hand

The needle should be large or small enough for you to sew through the fabric comfortably.

  • Thread – Preferably, the thread you will use should be the same colour as the blanket.

Once you’ve gathered all these items, you can proceed to make your cloak.

How To Make A Cloak Out Of A Blanket?

Step #1. Prepare your back pattern

You can deconstruct a hoodie and use it as your template. You can also keep it as is, but you should note that pattern will have allowances for seams already.

To make a pattern from the hoodie, place it on a large piece of paper. Trace either the whole hoodie or the parts of the hoodie. You can tuck in the hood. 

You don’t have to trace the bottom because a cloak is much longer than a hoodie. Just trace around the shoulders, and you’re good to go!

You can then cut these out once you’ve traced them out. 

Step #2. Ready your front pattern

The front pattern is easier to make than the back. You have to take the back pattern you created earlier and place it on a large sheet of paper. Trace around it, leaving a few inches of allowance for seams. 

The only thing that sets this section apart from the back is the neck. It should be more profound than the back.

Once you’re done and satisfied with how your template looks, you can cut it out.

Step #3. Prepare your hood pattern

The hood is an optional section of a cloak, but cloaks look a lot cooler with it. 

There are a lot of opportunities to go crazy with the hood. But, you do need to follow a few general guidelines. 

First, you will still have to base your hood on the hood of the hoodie. Do this by tracing the hood on a piece of paper. 

You can change the shape of the hoodie in whatever way you like once you finish tracing it. However, keep in mind that the shape of the neckline should stay the same no matter what.

Please do not alter the neckline so that it can fit the neckline of the cloak. 

Once you’re satisfied with your hood, you can go ahead and cut it out. 

Step #4. Cut out your cloak

Once you have your pattern ready, you can cut out the cloak parts from your chosen blanket.

Do this by folding your blanket lengthwise and laying the back pattern on the fabric’s straight edge. 

When cutting, don’t cut in a straight line because this will ruin the cloak’s silhouette. Instead, opt for a curved line.

You can use the back section as a guide for the front section, so the parts are nearly equal in size. Just remember to trace the neckline of the front section.

You should yield two equally sized front sections.

Finally, for the hood, follow the template you made beforehand.

Step #5. Assemble your cloak

Take the two front sections and put them over the back part, right sides facing each other. Sew down. 

Fold in about half an inch of the fabric on the open part and sew. 

To attach the hood to your cloak, align the necklines and sew along the seam. 

Attach the closure using any fastener that you like. A hook and eye closure are some of the simplest and most convenient ones. 

What Are Uses Of Cloaks?

Cloaks are practical outerwear. It helps protect the wearer from harsh weather, such as rain, cold, or wind. On top of this, they also make a bold fashion statement. 

Though they have been out of fashion since the end of the 19th century, they are making a comeback. 


Cloaks are the perfect article of clothing that is not only fashionable but also practical. Making them is simple but requires some patience.

This article teaches you how to make a cloak out of a blanket, from the materials you need to the steps you need to follow.

how to make a pillow blanket

5 Free Steps How To Make A Pillow Blanket In UK?

If you’re looking for something fun to do for your next UK home project, you can check out how to make a pillow blanket that you can give to kids and adults in your life.

If you’re not familiar with them yet, pillow blankets are just that: pillows that turn into blankets when you unfold them. They are great for playtime or travel in the UK, so there’s no reason not to make one if you can. A plan-B is always in the back of our mind to buy a ready Tesco mattress topper but better to try and DIY.

Step-By-Step Guide On How To Make A Pillow Blanket

Step #1. Gather your materials

Start with choosing suitable fabrics. You can opt for materials that match on both sides or mix up patterns if you want.

Some of the fabrics you can use are fleece, flannel, or cotton. Cut up the materials to the sizes you desire.

Your top and bottom blanket fabric and batting should be more than twice as large as your pillow squares.

Step #2. Sewing the blanket

When sewing the blanket, arrange the top and bottom fabric with the right sides facing together.

Place the batting material on top of the blanket fabric and then pin all three pieces together.

Stitch around the outside edges with a 5mm seam allowance. Remember to leave a 15 to 20cm opening for turning the blanket.

Turn the blanket right side out, then push the corners and edges. You can use a corner pusher or a pencil for this step.

Finish stitching the rest of the blanket.

Step #3. Making the pillow

Arrange the pillow squares with the right sides facing together. Put the batting on top of the pillow fabric and pin them together.

Follow the same steps as you did with stitching the blanket.

Step #4. Constructing the pillow blanket

Lay the blanket on a table with the bottom side facing up. Mark the centre of the blanket as this will serve as your guide to placing your pillow.

Pin the pillow on the marked part of the blanket and stitch three sides. Leave the bottom of the pillow unstitched to tuck the blanket into.

Step #5. Folding and finishing

Lay the pillow blanket on a flat surface with the pillow pocket facing down.

Use the edge of the pillow as a guide, and fold the sides of the blanket towards the centre, making it the same width as the pillow.

Fold the bottom of the blanket in sections until you get to the last fold, and tuck it into the pillow opening.

What Are Other Tips For Making A Pillow Blanket?

There are many ways to make your pillow blanket unique. Here are some creative ideas that you can use for your pillow blanket:

  • Using a dense polyester batting fabric will hold the pillow blanket better. It will avoid shifting between materials.
  • Decorative trimmings can also be used for the pillow blanket, especially if it made for kids. Stuffed animals, sequins, and glitter are on the table for decorating your pillow blanket.

What are some features of the pillow blanket?

Pillow blankets are helpful for playtime or travel, as they are usually very lightweight and portable. Here are some features of the pillow blanket:

  • Durable

Pillow blankets should be made of high-quality, durable materials so that they can give comfort anywhere, from playgrounds to long flights.

Fleece is an excellent material to use when creating your pillow blankets as they are generally lightweight but warm fabrics.

  • Machine washable

Pillow blankets don’t require washing daily because they take time to dry.

You should follow the instructions from the UK manufacturer because they are the experts when it comes to caring for their products.

  • Comfortable

A good pillow blanket should provide comfort anywhere.

Whether used as a pillow or a blanket, the user should be warm and cosy when utilising the item.

  • Lightweight

The pillow blanket is very easy to store or carry, so you don’t have to worry about it when travelling in the UK.

Depending on the material you used, the pillow blanket could be hot and comforting during travels.

  • Portable

Heavy blankets are great at home in the UK.

However, a multi-use item such as the pillow blanket is essential for individuals who need to babysit children during playtime or travellers who go back and forth between being warm and comfortable on their next excursion.


Pillow blankets are luxurious items that are very easy to make as your next crafty project.

If you are new to these crafty projects and don’t know how to make a pillow blanket, you can follow the steps above to make a basic one. It is then up to you to embellish and design them as you see fit. 

Pillow blankets are soft and luxurious pieces that you can use indoors or outdoors. Kids and adults all love them because they are easy to tuck into.

They are also great for travel, whether it’s for a long flight or a long drive. You can quickly transform your pillow into a blanket or vice versa to ensure that you experience comfort wherever you are.

How To Wash Wool Blanket

Dry Or Clean How To Wash Wool Blanket?

You must understand how to wash wool blanket correctly using two steps to ensure that this cosy material will last long. Unlike other blankets that use materials like cotton or polyester, wool, including handmade crochet blanket, can get deformed if washed incorrectly. However, do not be discouraged from owning one because it will last longer when you properly care for the blanket.

This article will also teach you the don’ts to avoid when it comes to cleaning your wool blanket. You’ll even learn the tricks for drying this material. So without further ado, here’s a complete guide that will give your wool blanket the TLC it deserves. 


How To Wash Wool Blanket Correctly


1. Prepare and pre-treat the blanket

Much like cleaning other blanket types, you want to pre-treat your wool blanket before putting it in the washing machine. Start by shaking it out to get rid of any debris. It would also help to use a soft-bristled brush to stroke the blanket on a flat surface because it’s wool where dirt can get deeper. 

After this dry preparation, you can check for stains and treat them with mild detergent and cold water. White vinegar and water might also help for tougher stains that are set in the material. Once you’ve soaked the colours, blot with a clean cloth to help eliminate the discolourations better.


2. Wash and rinse the blanket in the washing machine

Most wool blankets allow the use of the washing machine, but it’s still best to check your product’s tag to be safe. Then, you can soak it inside the washer with the appropriate detergent and cold water for about 15 minutes. Avoid hot or even warm water because this temperature can shrink the material. 

You can assume that you must use the gentle cycle setting for the wool blanket. Two minutes is enough, and then you can finish into the rinse cycle to eliminate leftover soap. Finally, use a towel to soak the excess liquid before drying the wool. 


Can You Put A Wool Blanket In The Dryer?

Don’t be tempted to wring the wool blanket after washing it as it can damage the material. The dryer is not compatible with drying wool blankets<span style=” font-weight: 400;”> as the heat is too harsh for the fibres. You risk shrinking the wool blanket, so it’s better to dry it naturally.


Avoid direct sunlight

However, it’s also essential to remember when air-drying the blanket outdoors to avoid direct sunlight. Avoidance of direct sunlight is one reason why some people in the United Kingdom may notice their wool blanket losing its softness over time. But what about ironing the blanket?


Iron with care

After washing, you might notice some wrinkles that are hard to remove. But before you grab your iron, check if it has a wool setting, and you placed a pressing cloth underneath it. The steam from the iron might also be enough, so you don’t need to directly touch the blanket with the iron and risk creating a shiny patch.   


Can Wool Blankets Be Washed In The Washing Machine?

One can wash wool blankets in the washing machine, but only if you have confirmed it on your product’s label. Always check the tag of your blanket for the UK manufacturer’s instructions about its proper care instructions. In general, you can use the washer’s gentle cycle or, much better, if your model has a dedicated wool cycle. 


Set the washer in the wool cycle

The wool cycle or delicate setting will be shorter and slower to avoid damaging your blanket. Some blankets may also have a dry-clean-only label, and it would be best to let professional dry cleaners handle them. And finally, always use the correct detergent for wool.


Use a wool wash detergent only

A wool wash detergent is mild enough for wool blankets and other items that use the same material. If you use a regular detergent for your wool blanket, it might contain incompatible ingredients with the fibres. You can check out what specific detergents are recommended for your wool blanket


What Happens If You Wash Wool In The Washing Machine?

There is nothing to worry about in washing wool in the washing machine. However, you always have to check the care label on the product you’re using for the proper washing instructions. Additionally, you don’t need to clean your wool blanket frequently unless it’s heavily soiled or has a lingering smell. 

You can freshen your wool blanket by letting it aerate outside but out of direct sunlight. Overall, proper care of wool blankets is not intimidating if you keep one rule in mind. Any form of heat can shrink the fibres, and you must only use the appropriate cleaning products. 


How Do You Wash A Merino Wool Blanket?

Washing a merino wool blanket is similar to our guidelines discussed. Some blankets may allow machine-washing, while others prohibit it because it might damage the material. Always check the label recommendations beforehand and keep your merino wool blanket clean by being mindful when using it. 


You need to know the proper care and maintenance of wool blankets to keep yours feeling soft for a long time. As we have discussed, mastering how to wash wool blankets correctly depends on checking the tag and doing the recommended practices. They include using the gentle or wool cycle and wool wash detergent while avoiding the dryer or drying with direct sunlight. 

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