What Are The Magical Properties Of Basil? 4 Proven Tips!

The magical properties of basil are varied, ranging from culinary to health purposes. Basil may stimulate and soothe the stomach against cramps, indigestion, bloating, or gas. The aromatic effect of the herb also treats bad breath, while the juice from the leaves may speed up a cure for insect bites, stings, and more. 

What Are The Magical Properties Of Basil

Basil is a flavorful green herb characterised by its leafy attributes, native to the continents of Africa and Asia. A member of the mint species, basil has several varieties globally. It is prevalent in the kitchen since it is used for seasoning recipes. However, you can also have this aromatic basil for supplements and teas for added health benefits

The leaves from basil are the perfect skin aid that is utilised to protect yourself against insects. On the other hand, unlike sweet basil, you also have the holy basil that promotes the balancing of sugars in the body, a good health benefit for those diagnosed with diabetes. Moreover, it is also used to treat bronchitis, coughs, high cholesterol, and more.

In today’s post, you will learn about the varieties, harvest process, magical benefits, and healing attributes of basil, with a quick take on its history on the side. We’re more than excited to have you on this blog. 


You’ve read about sweet basil and holy basil, two of the herb’s varieties. But there is more to the list that you would want to know about. 

Sweet basil

The most widely grown basil seems to be the most popular variety, used in several Italian recipes. 

Bush or Greek basil

On the other hand, Greek basil, otherwise known as Bush basil, is noteworthy for its strong aroma yet mild flavour. This is the most widely recommended substitute for sweet basil. Greek varieties are known to produce compact bush attributed with small leaves and grow well in the pot

Thai basil

More associated with Southeast Asian dishes, mainly Thai, this variety of basil is characterised by its anise-liquorice flavour. 

Cinnamon basil 

From Asia, there are basil varieties in Latin America, particularly in Mexico. Cinnamon basil has cinnamon-like attributes and aroma. It is served best in stir-fried vegetables, spicy dishes, and recipes with legumes. 

Lettuce basil 

Meanwhile, lettuce basil is known for having large, soft, and wrinkled leaves without giving away the distinctive liquorice-like basil’s flavour. Lettuce basil is used with salads tossed with olive oil and tomatoes in the kitchen.


With these varieties, before heading to the magical properties of basil in this article, you may conclude how basil is found in various parts of the world. 

The presence of Asia in basil may give you an idea about the history of this herb. Known to many as Thai basil or sweet basil, it is part of the species and family of herbs, including sage, lavender, and rosemary, renowned ingredients in the kitchen. 

The origins of basil are traced back to India, but it believed that it is cultivated for more than 5,000 years and has spread across the world. The origins may even be further east of India, with ancient historical records in the 800 A.D. suggesting that basil has been utilised in China’s Hunan region. Afterwards, the herb spread to the west, where it is grown indoors and in colder climates. 

In the ancient Egyptian civilisation, basil was used to preserve the dead since research into the tombs revealed basil components within. Perhaps due to these uses, the herb has been a symbol of mourning for the dead in Greece. The term “basilisk on photon” is Greek for “magnificent” or “royal.”

Aside from being used in Indian medicine, basil, in Jewish traditions, carries deep symbolic and cultural meaning. In their folklore, the herb is a good source of nutrients for fasting. In Portugal, basil may be given to your lover or significant other on religious celebrations. 


Before we head over to the magical properties of basil, it is essential to first take a look at how the plant is propagated. There are three main approaches or steps: dividing plants from the grocery stores, cuttings, and seed sowing. Let’s begin learning about the first one.

Dividing the plant

To start, you will need a supermarket plant, a soil-based potting mix, scissors, pots with draining holes, and saucers. 

First, you will need to gradually remove the plant from its original storage and place it on a clean table or surface. Using your fingers, the root ball must be pried in two halves. Divide these once more, cutting off the weaker shoots, so you are provided with two different clumps with three to four leafy shoots for each clump.

Then, it would help if you planted each clump in their respective containers with fresh soil for potting, which can be watered using lukewarm water. As you may well know, basil prefers to stay warm and moist, so watering it each day or so at one to two inches weekly will propagate them better. Propagation is essential to provide you with massive production.

You may now pour the water onto the soil, avoiding the leaves to prevent fungal-related problems. Dump the liquid that leaks through the drainage dish after each time you water. The plant then gets what it needs, letting the rest toward the drain, and remember, the plants must not sit on the soil waterlogged. 

Lastly, place the pot under the sun right at the windowsill of your apartments or condominium units. 

Cutting the plant

For this step in the propagation, you will need basil, fresh water in a glass, and the optional powdered rooting hormone. 

Begin by trimming the basil leaves off by two inches from the step, but make sure you cut from its base. Then, place the trimmed cuts in clear glass with freshwater and find an area on a windowsill where it can get more sunlight. 

What you can do is dip the bottom area of the basil stem into the water, then rolling it toward the small amount of the optional ingredient should you want to. However, you have to ensure that the amount of powder applied is not overdone, making sure that the end of the cutting is tapped to remove any chances of excess—that easy.

Sowing the seeds

Now we go to the part where you sow the seed. If you want to start germinating the plant, you may soak this overnight in the fourth cup of water at lukewarm temperature. Get started sowing one or two seeds from each pot, covering these with a fourth inch of your soil. 

Once the seeds have germinated, or the plants have gone into the process, you can thin them or transfer them into various pots as you have planted these seeds, water the basil. There are planting enthusiasts who have used their children’s bath toys, which have lovely sprinklers for even watering. In that regard, you will not go over the amount of water. 

Take note that basil does not require light to begin germinating. What it needs is a warm light that you can find around. Homeowners may also wrap plastic over the top portion of the plant, thus keeping the soil moist and warm as with the other propagation steps.

Take note that you have to remove the covering once the seeds begin sprouting. Germination takes two weeks, and once finished, the seedlings shall be provided with at least six hours of sunlight or lighting every day.

How Basil Is Harvested And Stored

Two of the most exciting processes that will make you appreciate the magical properties of basil even more is how it is harvested and stored. 

Harvesting the basil

The basil that makes a good salad is harvested well and perfectly. It has been said that the ideal time for gathering the herb is when it has grown several leaves and has not begun to have flowers yet at the moment.   

  • If the basil has started to grow flowers, worry not because you can still harvest these leaves after the flowering of these plants since you might not get this large of your harvest. 


  • To begin harvesting these leaves, you may pinch off each leaf to attend to the mildew. These may pose issues during the harvesting, so you want to deal with them early on. 


  • Then, you must check on each leaf you are harvesting, discarding those that show signs of problems or leaves that are about to transform to brown or yellow.


Basil storage

Even if you have propagated or harvested the basil leaves, but without the proper storage, you may not be able to realise the magical properties of basil

  • Please keep them in the fridge, making sure they are scorched before having to store the basil leaves
  • Remember that wet leaves may turn brown quicker than you may expect, so you can utilise a salad spinner to spin these leaves before storing them in the refrigerator. 


  • Allow them to stay in the fridge for a few days, and use your herb keeper to store these fresh leaves within. 


  • Flashing freezes each of the leaves on the cookie sheet for 20 minutes before placing them right into your freezer bag to avoid these sticking together. 


  • You may utilise herb freezer trays or smaller ice cube trays for freezing and storage if you want to make basil popsicles. 


Magical Properties Of Basil

The discussions you have read above will help you amplify how you can maximise the magical properties of basil. But what could be these properties? Let’s zoom into each of these details to find out. 

Ideal for digestion

The herb can fortify and strengthen the digestive system and the nervous system, making this a recommended healer of headaches, insomnia, and digestive tract problems. It has a keen ability to help keep the pH levels in the body in the right balance. 

A powerful antioxidant  

Fighting off cancer is one of the most significant advantages of basil over other herbs. It contains antioxidants in the category of water-soluble flavonoids. These components may strengthen your immunity, protect the cell’s structure, and delay the signs of skin ageing. 

Great for skincare 

These take us to another of its magical property, a great skincare product. Choosing to go natural when it comes to taking care of your skin will get you away from the ill-effects of harmful ingredients found in skincare products. Basil is best for treating skin impurities, helping remove dirt, and avoiding the clogging of the pores. 

Diabetes management 

This illness, diabetes, is one of the leading causes of death among individuals. Having a stash of basil in the kitchen readily available for the diet will help you prevent the effects of diabetes or prevent the risks altogether. Since the herb has a very low glycemic load, basil helps regulate cholesterol levels, allowing you to manage diabetes even better. 

Healing Attributes Of Basil: Household, Culinary & Companion Planting

Basil is just the perfect kitchen companion since you do not only produce the most delicious meals for your family, but you also get a healthy ingredient. 

Among the recipes you can make with basil are:

  • Lime Basil Pie
  • Spinach-Basil Lasagna
  • Basil & Heirloom Tomato Toss
  • Pesto, and more

The uses of basil for the household are many. Should you want to use basil in the kitchen, there are guidelines to follow.

Use running water and pat the basil dry during the rinsing. The leaves are the best ingredients for pizza or garnish for the dishes. Discard the stems and stalks since they taste bitter, but you may include the smaller stems in various recipes. Remove the large veins when turning the basil into sauce. 

For the intensity of flavours, add fresh basil at the end phases of cooking. It is important to note that prolonged heating may cause the volatile oils of the herb to disintegrate. Dried basil must be processed right at the start of the cooking. 

Growing Basil With Krostrade.com

Krostrade provides polytunnels for the avid basil grower. With the company’s wide array of markets in North America and Europe, you, as the customer do not need to worry about having the lack of products from the stock. Shop today, and get your desired products.

Polytunnels will provide an ideal environment for these basil plants to grow well. This provider of various equipment for households and businesses has a set of polytunnels you can choose from in the catalog. The magical properties of basil are at your fingertips with Krostrade. For more information, visit www.krostrade.co.uk

Beetroot Juice For Pigmentation And Other Uses

Example Of Beetroot Juice For Pigmentation And Other Uses! Video Download!

You can use beetroot juice for pigmentation and other uses. By definition of pigmentation, you are probably familiar with how it’s possible to use beets for an all-natural DIY hair dye. However, it’s time to show interest in juicing this crop for better skin pigmentation. 

The best beetroot juice comes from fresh beets without any additives and preservatives. Beetroots are a relatively easy crop to grow and considered a cool-season annual in areas like Aberdeen. But if you live in a UK area with unpredictable conditions, you can find polytunnel gardening of beets for a fresh supply of pigmentation-friendly root crops.  

Benefits Of Beetroot Juice For Pigmentation


Revive dull and unhealthy-looking skin

Excessive pigmentation of the skin can cause dark spots, blemishes, and even a mottled appearance. These conditions can make your complexion look dull and unhealthy. Beetroot juice can help with excessive pigmentation and revive your skin’s presence because of its nutrients and compounds.

Beetroot juice is a good source of vitamin C, which shown to treat hyperpigmentation by decreasing melanin formation. This vitamin also plays a role in skin repair and collagen synthesis for the skin’s overall healthy appearance. At the same time, beetroot juice contains iron, which can improve complexion by giving the skin a healthy glow. 

Another reason why beetroot juice can revive dull skin is because of its antioxidative properties. We all know how antioxidants fight the effects of oxidative stress that contributes to skin ageing. Preventing cell damages can help reveal a younger-looking complexion. 


Remove pimples and acne

Besides excessive melanin, pimples and acne can also cause dark spots and other pigmentation problems on the skin. The vitamin C in beetroot juice has anti-inflammatory properties that can help in addressing pimples and acne. Additionally, beetroot juice can also remove excess oil on the skin, contributing to acne development.  


Remove dark circles

Another pigmentation problem that everyone hates is dark circles. It’s one of the most complex skin problems to address, considering many factors that can cause it. However, you can prevent that exhausted look with beetroot juice. 

The antioxidants in beetroot juice are the natural remedy for dark circles and puffy eyes. They help with blood circulation to remove the tired look of the skin around the eyes. Lastly, the hydrating and purifying effects of beetroot juice will benefit both our thirst and dark circles. 


Rosy lips

The eyes are not the only part of the body that can make us look tired and unhealthy. If you also have dark, dry, and flaky lips, drinking beetroot juice can help because of its vitamins and hydrating components. As a bonus, the vibrant red stain of beets can make your lips look rosy and healthy. 


Natural hair dye

Lastly, the unique colour of beetroot juice from betacyanin makes it the perfect all-natural, temporary DIY dye for you to try. It can give your hair a shiny wine-red colour without the risk of toxins and chemicals. You can use the beetroot juice as a mask, but you can also add other ingredients to create a paste. 

How To Use Beetroot Juice For Pigmentation



You can drink the delicious juice from your freshly harvested beets in the greenhouse. Its antioxidants will help your body remove toxins and reveal a healthy pigmentation of the skin. You can also add other skin-friendly ingredients to the juice. 


Face mask and body scrub

It may sound delicious, but a mixture of beetroot juice, honey, and milk, works as a homemade and all-natural face mask. You will notice that it’ll leave a healthy glow on your face and address other skin concerns like dark spots, wrinkles, and acne. 

You can also use beetroot juice as a body scrub. This vibrant extract can help flake off dead skin cells to improve your complexion. And best of all, beetroot juice is not irritating to the skin. 


Eye mask

To address dark circles and tired eyes, soak a cotton ball in a mixture of beetroot juice, honey, and milk. Gently apply it to your eyes and leave for 10 minutes before washing away with cold water. You can also do the same with beetroot juice and almond oil. 


Lip stain

Natural-looking rosy lips are achievable with a beetroot juice lip stain. Directly apply the juice onto your lips to help not just with colour but also with moisture. 


Hair mask

A beetroot juice hair mask is beneficial for the hair because it works as a treatment and temporary dye. Add coffee seeds to the juice to create a thicker paste, mix some carrot juice and leave it on for an hour or longer. This leaves a purple and reddish hue on the hair for weeks, but the intensity will vary on the hair type. 



If you want to address different skin and hair problems, you can use beetroot juice for pigmentation and other uses. This delicious extract can help dull skin, pimples, dark circles, and reveal rosy lips and vibrant hair. However, the safest and best juice comes from fresh beetroots, so allocate a space in your polytunnel for this easy crop. 

Beetroot Carrot And Apple Side Effects

What Are Beetroot Carrot And Apple Side Effects? 3 Step Explainer!

If you aren’t aware of beetroot carrot and apple side effects, there is nothing to worry about because the risk with these crops is similar to other natural foods. This means that beetroot, carrot, and apple will only be detrimental to people with specific health conditions. Still, it will give you peace of mind to talk with your healthcare provider before eating these foods.

When we think of healthy foods, fruits and vegetables immediately come to mind because of their nutrients. However, it’s not always easy to get them, so polytunnel farming is a booming industry in the UK. A limitation for US consumers and gardeners with these crops is the planting zone and weather in their area, so indoor gardening with a polytunnel will help with the availability and production.

Beetroot Carrot And Apple Side Effects And Precautions


Beetroot side effects



The most common side effect of beets is beeturia, which is the temporary reddening of the urine upon the consumption of this root crop. However, this isn’t a harmful side effect unless you have problems in metabolising iron. The connection is that people with iron excess or deficiency are more likely to experience beeturia.  

There are also no findings indicating that beets are harmful to pregnant or breastfeeding women. But to be cautious, stick to eating one or half of a whole medium beet. In general, most of the population can safely eat beets or beetroot juice without the risk of any side effects. 


Low blood pressure and kidney stones

If you have low blood pressure or kidney disease, make sure to discuss eating beets with your doctor. Beets are a source of nitrates, and they can affect blood pressure. Additionally, the oxalates in this crop can cause kidney stones if you’re at high risk. 


Carrot side effects


Allergic reactions

Did you know that carrot allergy is possible? If you are allergic to parsley, celery, bitch, ivy, and mugwort, you might also be prone to being allergic to the related carrot. However, it’s more common to experience the reactions with raw carrot compared to cooked carrot.

The allergic reactions that are possible are inflammation and hives upon contact with skin. In more severe cases, one might experience difficulty breathing due to anaphylaxis. Do note that this allergic reaction is life-threatening, so if you’re allergic to this plant family, it’s best to avoid carrots. 



Similar to beets, a carrot is generally safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. But for kids, make sure to stick to small amounts of carrot juice to prevent yellowing of the skin. Adults are also prone to developing carotenemia, so eat carrots within the recommended intake. 

Excessive consumption of carrots, which are rich in beta-carotene, can cause yellow pigmentation on the skin. There is nothing to worry about because the skin colour will return to normal after weeks. If you’re worried about developing carotenemia or yellow-orange skin tone, you will need up to 20 mg of carrots per day for that to happen.  

Apple side effects 


Allergic reactions

Similar to carrots, apples can also be allergic to some people. If you are allergic to apricot, pear, peach, plum, strawberry, and almond, you should be cautious with apples. Sensitivity to the Rosaceae family and even to birch pollen can indicate an allergy to apples. 


Cyanide in seeds

It’s worth noting that apple seeds contain amygdalin that releases cyanide, which we all know is very poisonous. But before you get scared, know that this only happens upon chewing and digesting the seeds. It’s better to avoid eating the seeds altogether, but the consumption of small amounts will not contain enough cyanide to be dangerous. 


Weight gain and high sugar levels

Like most fruits, never eat apples in excess. The fruit can increase blood sugar levels, contributing to weight gain and being problematic for people with diabetes. Always remember that a medium-sized apple contains 18.9 grams of sugar. 


Teeth damage

More than the sugar content, apples are acidic, and overeating can damage the tooth enamel, so rinse with water to wash the sugar and acids after eating. The Journal of Dentistry even found out that overeating apples can damage teeth similar to carbonated drinks. At the same time, the way you’re eating apples can contribute to tooth damage. 

For example, the slower you eat the fruit, the longer the acids can damage the tooth enamel. It’s best not to eat it throughout the day or eat apples at meal times instead. You can also cut the fruit and chew the slices with the back teeth instead of directly biting onto it.


Bottom Line

All fruits and vegetables can have side effects, but this doesn’t mean that we should skip them. The beetroot carrot and apple side effects are not dangerous as long as you’re aware of your health conditions. Besides, their health benefits outweigh the risks, and they are surprisingly easy to grow in polytunnel. 

Overall, always stick to the recommended amounts of beets, carrots, and apples. It’s best to regularly consult with your doctor about your diet to avoid any potential complications. 

Beet Apple Carrot Lemon Ginger Juice Benefits

Example Of Beet Apple Carrot Lemon Ginger Juice Benefits! 5 Free Tips!

Your beet apple carrot lemon ginger juice benefits offer not just one but the power of five unique healthy ingredients that you will surely love. In this blog, you will learn the recipe and the health benefits of this beverage in the UK.

What Is The Beet Apple Carrot Lemon Ginger Juice Good For?

This recipe follows the technique of juicing or getting the nutrients the body needs all at once. Usually, getting the daily recommended nutritional value for your health may require you to invest in pricey crops from the grocery store. The next option is supplementation. 

However, there may be supplements that could have side effects for particular persons. So, they must resort to healthy ways as alternatives. 

Not served in mainstream restaurants or mostly are found in health grocery stores, the juice may also be created at home. It has this slight sweetness, ideally balanced, to offer the severe ginger kick for your needs. If you are not a fan of ginger, perhaps because of the strong taste, this juice is a great way to scale it down. 

Intake a reasonable amount, and you can enjoy their benefits. You’ll know more about these health advantages later on. Aside from being delicious, the juice is also abundant with Vitamins A, K, and the carrots’ beta-carotene and the Vitamin C and polyphenols from the apple, the beets’ antioxidants and folate, and the ginger’s anti-inflammatory property. 

As you have the drink, the pulp will have the nutrients, but this very healthy beverage is better and fresher than those bought in stores, according to those who have tried the homemade mix.

What Are The Benefits Of Apples, Carrots, And Beetroot?

The juice is the perfect way to detoxify your body from stuff that may disrupt its functioning. For the general benefits, this all-natural blend combines nutrients that keep your cardiovascular health at its peak. 

The blend of beetroot and carrot in the drink has lutein, alpha, and beta-carotene that work together to keep your heart at its healthiest levels. When mixed with apple, these vegetables will also keep the blood pressure regulated, further protecting your heart against various illnesses. 

However, to further understand what they can give to the body, it is essential to look at each of the ingredients in the beverage. 


Being a superfood, beetroot is known to enhance athletic performance, reduce blood flow, increase blood flow, and more. The increasing number of drinks and juices has this ingredient. From the same species as sugar beets, this ingredient has also used in processing sweeteners. 


This fruit has been given to the body with weight loss aid, is suitable for the cardiovascular system, has been linked to diabetes, may help prevent cancer, and boost the immune system to fight asthma. The adage, an apple a day, keeps the doctor away, may be accurate, especially with the health benefits that these fruits can give. 


With beets and apples in the juice, to add carrots, do they still taste great? Carrots are typically a way to improve vision out of the many nutrients found in this vegetable. Regarded as the perfect health food source, a stash of carrot has beta-carotene, fibre, potassium, K1, and antioxidants. 


When life gives you lemons, make the juice from beets, apples, ginger, and carrots. Lemon’s health benefits are about promoting hydration, a great source of Vitamin C, supporting your weight loss goals, improving the skin quality, aiding in digestion, and may also be a breath fresher. 


The beverage is such a perfect balance that adding ginger will further add more to the health benefits. It may be pungent, but ginger is categorised as a flowering plant widely used as spices and utilised in folk medicine. It grows pseudostems yearly at around a meter tall with narrow blades around the leaves as a herbaceous perennial. 

Is The Beverage Bad For The Kidneys?

According to data from the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, 15 per cent of American adults suffer from chronic kidney disease, and there are around 37 million people in this country. Other kidney diseases include:

  • Kidney stones
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Polycystic kidney disease, and more

Both medicinal and natural ways are being explored by people and patients worldwide about combating these kidney failures. Are the beet apple carrot lemon ginger juice benefits matching these requirements?

Unfortunately, if you are suffering from these conditions, you have to practice extra caution. Specialists and physicians say that bees are safe for people who take this orally in medicinal ranges. However, they may cause the urine or stool to be in the hues of pink or red. They may also cause calcium levels to drop and may cause kidney damage. 

However, with the beets blended with other ingredients, you may never let go of the health benefits that the juice itself can give. Try to vary or adjust the amount when necessary.

Is It Okay To Drink Beet Juice every day?

First, having the juice each day should have the ingredients with you all the time and in the right amounts, or else, you will not have the excellent taste. But if you have the resources, why not?

Drinking two cups of the juice will have the beet apple carrot lemon ginger juice benefits with you, especially when taking this daily. It will help boost your stamina right as you exercise. Studies have revealed that those who take in beet juice daily will have better stamina during intense workouts. 

How To Use Beets For Hair Losses

How To Use Beets For Hair Losses? 3 Easy Steps!

Did you know that you can use beets for hair losses? This vibrant and tasty taproot can bring your confidence back by helping in the prevention of hair loss. Additionally, beets offer different benefits for the hair that is not only limited to hair loss. 

Even after rejuvenating your hair back to life, nobody will say no to beet juice or roasted beets. This beneficial and delicious crop is also easy to cultivate in a polytunnel. They grow well in many counties, including Kent and Sussex, and indoor gardening in the United Kingdom using a polytunnel makes it possible to enjoy beets year-round. 

How Are Beets Useful For Hair Losses?


Rich in nutrients that prevent hair loss

The simple explanation behind the wonders of beets for preventing hair loss is the abundance of nutrients in this vegetable. To name a few, beets are rich in protein, potassium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamins B and C. All of these minerals and vitamins can strengthen the structural integrity of your hair strands to prevent breakage and hair loss. 

Additionally, consuming beets and getting these nutrients can maintain healthy hair follicles, which is also a must to grow healthy hair, repair damage, and prevent hair loss. While more studies are needed to conclude that beets will be helpful for hair loss to cure baldness, the betalain and carotenoid in beets are useful for alopecia


Preventing itchy scalp and dandruff

The antioxidants present in beetroot are helpful for better blood circulation and nourishment of the hair follicles. Carotenoids can even help activate hair follicle stem cells. Another potential cause of hair loss that beets can address is scalp itchiness and dandruff.

Having an itchy scalp can cause hair loss, and beetroot can help since it’s a well-known natural anti-pruritic. On the other hand, dandruff does not cause hair loss, but the underlying problem can damage hair follicles. Traditional medicine dated many years ago has shown beets as a treatment for dandruff. 


Ways On How To Use Beets For Hair Losses


Beet hair mask

One of the most popular ways to use beets for hair loss is by making a hair mask. There are different versions you can find, and you can use either beetroot juice or pulp. You can mix the beets with some ground coffee and use it the way you’ll shampoo your hair. 

Another version of the beet hair mask is by boiling the leaves and creating a paste using the extract and one beetroot. Add henna powder and oil like olive or coconut until they all mixed well. On a semi-damp hair, apply and massage the beet mask from roots to tips and leave for 30 minutes before washing with a mild shampoo. 


Beet hair paste

You can also use the paste on your scalp to relieve infections. Leaving it for half an hour can help reduce inflammation and address scalp irritations. If you can’t make a paste, you can also use beetroot juice, black tea, and rose water.


Beet hair dye

A DIY hair product that beets are known for is a natural dye. The vibrant red colour of beets in the juice, fresh ginger juice, and olive oil is an all-natural temporary hair colour. It’s similar to how you’ll use a paste, but you can leave it for an hour in your wrapped hair. 

Benefits Of Beets For The Hair

Beets have many benefits to offer for our hair. For a relatively easy crop to cultivate in a polytunnel, you can use the delicious beetroot for strong, healthy, bouncy, shiny, and dandruff-free hair. It’s incredible how a popular DIY dye can do these things for the hair.

As mentioned earlier, the nutrients in beets help prevent dull and brittle hair, including tighter hair pores for reduced breakage. Because beets also help with a healthy scalp, you will also quickly form and regenerate hair follicles without dandruff. Lastly, using a beet dye adds lustre to the hair to look more alive and bouncy. 


How To Treat Hair Loss Naturally


Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a popular hair-loving plant that you can grow along with your beets in a polytunnel. It can solve hair loss because it cleans up the hair follicles. Removing the clogged sebum will allow the hair to grow back quickly. 



Both lemon juice and lemon oil as a mask or treatment before a shampoo can encourage hair growth. It’s a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for patients experiencing hair loss. Lemon is also helpful in maintaining a healthy scalp, similar to beets. 



Did you know that onion juice can be a home remedy for hair loss? Start growing onions in your polytunnel and create an extract that improves the blood flow to the hair cuticles to promote growth. A study has even shown onion juice as a treatment for alopecia patients. 



Using beets for hair loss is rational because the vibrant crop is full of nutrients that promote growth and maintenance of health and strong hair. It’s an easy vegetable to grow in your backyard using a polytunnel, and the benefits you’ll get from it outweighs the effort you’ll exude. You can form a mask, paste, or dye to treat hair loss with beets. 


Does Vegan Diet Reverses Atherosclerosis

Does Vegan Diet Reverses Atherosclerosis? 3 Bonus Tips!

There’s a growing interest in how a vegan diet reverses atherosclerosis because of the various studies that confirmed it. We already know that a vegan diet can be healthy, so knowing how it can reverse the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases makes it even more worthwhile to try. Because of these health benefits, there’s no surprise that more people are looking into growing their vegetables.

Regardless of your location in the UK, you can easily have a year-round supply of healthy and fresh vegetables by using a polytunnel. Polytunnel gardening of plants in the UK is more comfortable than traditional outdoor cultivation because of the controlled indoor environment. You can also feel more confident that the products you have on the plate are well-handled from farm to table. 

Vegan Diet Reverses Atherosclerosis: What’s The Connection?


Healthier diet

Studies have confirmed that a vegan or a plant-based diet can reverse atherosclerosis. The explanation behind this is simple, and one can find a connection between two factors. The condition of atherosclerosis itself is associated with the high consumption of meat, fats, and carbohydrates. 

Therefore, replacing these meals and balancing them with vegetables puts you at a lower risk. 


Cardiovascular protective compounds

The second factor is that compounds like polyphenols and antioxidants found in plants protect vascular endothelial cells. Shifting to a vegan diet will reduce the injury on the endothelial cells, which can reverse coronary artery disease. And atherosclerosis is the cause of coronary artery disease. 

These factors explain how a vegan diet could reverse atherosclerosis. One can find the benefits of a vegan diet for the cardiovascular system and how it can reverse diseases in studies dated years ago. There was even a study that concluded that following a plant-based diet can reverse the arteries’ disease. 


Main takeaway

As time goes on, more studies with a higher number of participants have shown how eating a strict vegan diet reduces the symptoms, while test results show a reversal of heart diseases. However, it’s worth noting that the participants also cut down their intake of unhealthy foods more than sticking to a vegan diet. Overall, a healthy diet and lifestyle can slow down, prevent, and even reverse heart diseases. 

What Is A Vegan Diet?

A vegan diet is a diet that focuses on the consumption of plants while omitting meat and animal products. There are also variations, such as the Lacto-vegetarian that includes dairy products and the lacto-ovo-vegetarian that contains dairy products and eggs. However, the emphasis is necessary on choosing a healthy vegan diet that will give you balanced nutrients. 

B-vitamins and minerals like calcium and iron are essential nutrients that one might miss with the failure of planning a healthy vegan diet. This is why it’s best to consult your doctor to create a balanced diet that will provide all the nutrients you’ll need. With proper planning, you can grow your plants and benefit from the different vitamins and minerals they can offer. 

Besides reversing atherosclerosis, sticking to a plant-based diet is beneficial for the cardiovascular system in other ways. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, hypertension and lowers the body’s bad cholesterol. This is possible because not only vitamins and minerals, plants are also rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fibre that are all good for cardiovascular health. 


What Causes Atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis is a condition where plaque builds up inside the arteries. Many possible factors can cause it, and atherosclerosis can even start in early childhood. The different causes of atherosclerosis range from habits like smoking and lack of exercise or having high triglycerides in the blood.

If a person has high cholesterol or high blood pressure, they are also likely to develop atherosclerosis. Obesity, diabetes, lupus, and arthritis can also cause this condition. Over time, atherosclerosis can lead to narrowing arteries,  fatty deposits in the bloodstream, and blood clots. 


How To Treat Atherosclerosis Naturally?

In addition to taking prescribed medications and regular exercise, you can treat, prevent, or slow the progression of atherosclerosis by changing your diet and lifestyle. Studies show that eating fruits and vegetables in higher quantities than foods high in sodium, fat, and sugar is beneficial for cardiovascular health. Having your polytunnel with various plants will always make it available and accessible for you to have a vegan diet. 

With a healthy diet, you’ll also be able to control your weight. Preventing obesity will reduce your risk of developing hypertension and high cholesterol that are both risk factors for atherosclerosis. 



We all know that a healthy diet plays a significant role in our overall health. But did you know that a vegan diet reverses atherosclerosis? The plaque buildup in the arteries can cause other dangerous diseases, so we must prevent or slow down this condition’s progression.

Reducing your intake of foods high in sodium, fat, and sugar and replacing them with various fruits and vegetables will help with cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that the nutrients offered by these crops while maintaining a healthy lifestyle can indeed reverse atherosclerosis. If you think it’s challenging to stick to a plant-based diet, you can grow your plants in a polytunnel for a year-round supply of atherosclerosis-reversing ingredients. 


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