Your dog would give anything to run wild in wide-open spaces around the neighbourhood without a leash. Dogs also want to run away from your strict supervision as long as possible. So, being in the United Kingdom you may wonder what is a dog run definition? Although this doesn’t happen in real life, getting your […]
Category: Pets
Example Of Keeping a Dog in a Cage All Day! 5 Easy Steps!
Have you ever wondered what your dogs do while you aren’t at home in the UK? When left alone in the house for hours on end, your furry friends can get anxious or make a big mess. To keep your dog safe and comfortable while you’re out, you can introduce crate training. Many people, including […]
Soft Crate vs Wire Crate! 4 Proven Reasons!
Since dogs are a lot like their wolf cousins, they also identify themselves as den animals. This means that your UK pet pooch would need his own very own “den” that would serve as his place of refuge and safety. Although the closest thing to a dog’s den is a dog crate, you’ll still have […]