Ideal Humidity in a Greenhouse

Example Of Kale Square Foot Gardening! 4 Free Tips!

Kale is one of the healthiest crops, and you can cultivate them in the UK as kale square foot gardening with companion plants and in the greenhouse. One kale plant only requires one square foot, and you can grow it with many companion plants. Kale can be neighbours with buckwheat, sorghum, hairy vetch, herbs, legumes, […]

3 Reasons Why Do Tomatoes Grow Better In Greenhouses

Why Do Tomatoes Grow Better In Polytunnels? 3 Bonus Tips!

The extension of the growing season, protection against temperature and weather changes, and safe growing environment are the answers to why do tomatoes grow better in polytunnels. These three advantages make the polytunnel an ideal environment for growing tomatoes compared to the traditional style of field growing. However, you need to understand how each benefit […]

Ideal Temperature To Grow Tomatoes In A Greenhouse - Krostrade

What Is Ideal Temperature To Grow Tomatoes In A Polytunnel? 24 Hour Explainer!

The ideal temperature to grow tomatoes in a polytunnel is between 70°F and 80°F during the daytime. But what temperature should a polytunnel be at night? Throughout the night, it’s well-advised to maintain the polytunnel temperature in the United Kingdom between 60°F to 65°F. Keeping these temperatures ranges from daytime to nighttime will help you […]

What Is The Best Compost For Growing Vegetables - Krostrade

What Is The Best Compost For Growing Vegetables? 5 New Tips!

If you are interested in having your vegetable garden in the UK, you should know the best compost for growing vegetables. Organic compost is the best one to use for a vegetable garden. It is as efficient as a commercial fertiliser because it provides valuable nutrients, improves soil structure, and creates a healthy soil ecosystem.  […]

Can You Use A Greenhouse In The Summer?

Example Of Polytunnel Plants List! 10 Special Plants!

Do you want to know some polytunnel plants list? The list of plants to grow in summer in the polytunnel is vast, so year-round productivity is achievable. You can grow various plants such as peppers, herbs, squash, eggplants, green onions, okras, melons, beans, greens, and tomatoes. The summer season doesn’t have to be a problem […]

Growing Cantaloupe In The Greenhouse? - Krosagro

How Many Fruits Does A Cantaloupe Plant Produces? Explainer For Beginners!

If you’re interested in growing cantaloupes, you must be prepared and know how many fruits does a cantaloupe plant produces every harvest. One plant can have up to 8 cantaloupes, but it depends on your area’s cantaloupe variety and conditions. To give you a fixed number, you can assume that you’ll get 5,000 melons per […]

Do Melons Grow On Trees? A Guide About Melons

Do Melons Grow On Trees? 4 Easy Steps Explainer!

Do melons grow on trees? Unlike most fruits, melons don’t grow on trees. Other than their sweet flavour and musk, melons have a lot of unique things about them.  We all love melons, and it’s no surprise that people are looking into growing these delicious and healthy fruits. But for your melon farm to be […]

The Benefits of a Greenhouse

Why Do Plants Grow Better In Polytunnels? 4 Bonus Reasons!

Why do plants grow better in polytunnels? If you have been pondering upon this question, do not worry because we have an answer to that. The most obvious reason is that the humidity and warmth inside the polytunnel stimulate plant growth. As we all know, three things are needed for a plant to grow. This […]

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