7 New Steps How To Clean A Pendleton Wool Blanket?

It is not easy to make wool blankets last. So it would help if you learned how to clean a Pendleton wool blanket the right way.

how to clean a pendleton wool blanket


With just your soft and tender hands, you can make it worth every penny!


Pendleton wool blankets have always been a designer must-have. It is only right to know the must-do’s when maintaining these precious ones.


Equipment, tools, and materials you will need


  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Clean towel or cloth
  • Wool-safe detergent
  • Water and club soda or distilled vinegar


7 UK Home Steps On How To Clean A Pendleton Wool Blanket

Typically, Pendleton wool blankets are dry cleaned to maintain softness and durability.


However, it is not a joke to spend money on dry cleaning—you know it hurts our pockets!


So. here is another way to clean your vintage-hunter must-have in the comfort of your own homes in the United Kingdom — and pockets, of course!


Step #1. Shrug off the dirt from the blanket

Removal of dirt will help you remove specks of dust from your blanket and make it feel fresh again.


Step #2. Carefully stroke it in the same direction

Remember that you should use a soft-bristled brush in this step. It will allow you to remove embedded dirt from the blanket further.


Step #3. Treat unwanted stains

If you happen to spot a stain in the fabric, it is essential to treat it first. You can use a solution of water and club soda or distilled vinegar.


Step #4. Prepare your blanket in the washing machine

Set up your washing machine with a wool-safe detergent (better it be something without perc) and water. You must take note that you should use COLD water.


The water temperature is so important. Never use warm or hot water if you don’t want your wool blankets to wap or felted.


Soak your blanket in for 15 minutes.


Step #5. Start the washing process

Using a gentle cycle mode or a set dedicated to wool, wash the blanket on your washing machine.


Let it run on the machine for 2 minutes, then do the rinsing. You can do two rinse cycles if you see suds on the material.


Step #6. Pre-dry the blanket

After washing the blanket, roll it in a clean cloth or towel. Moving in a clean cloth will allow absorption of excess moisture for easier drying.

Step #7. Finalise the drying process

Hang the blanket outside on a rack or any clean, sturdy structure. It is better to keep it out of direct sunlight or else it will wap.


Also, you should never put your wool blanket on a dryer, or else its fibres will crush, and the blanket will sink.


Proper storage

If you want a portion of your money to be safe, then keep your Pendleton wool blankets safe!


It would help if you stored it in a tightly sealed bin or a thick plastic bag. You might be worried about pests so that you can put in cedar chips and woodblocks.


It is an old rule of thumb to use mothballs when keeping pests out of beddings and linens.


However, these white balls leave an unpleasant scent on the blankets, and you wouldn’t want that.



Usually, you will not need to iron wool blankets.  Even so, there are times when those annoying stubborn wrinkles appear.


In this case, you can use a regular iron.


You don’t have to touch the fabric with it, and its steam would do. Just be sure to set it to just 300 degrees.


If you ever touch the fabric with the iron, you might damage your wool blanket. To avoid such an unfortunate thing, do not iron as much as possible.



Since Pendleton wool blankets cost money, it expected that doing repairs is not as cheap as you might think.


However, if it so happens that a hole made, you can pinch it and secure it with sewing.


You can also use darning or wool patch kits to cover larger holes.


Still, the best way is to take good care of your blankets to avoid such damages.


Additional tips to cleaning Pendleton wool blankets



  • Hanging wool blankets for a few hours every once in a while is one of the best ways to keep them clean.


  • Handle it with care! It is essential to use and maintain your wool blankets cautiously.


Treat it as if it is a tiny baby who needs always to keep out of danger.



Just like how a Pendleton wool blanket gives us comfort, we must also give it the care it deserves.


Cleaning is not something as easy as it sounds. One must do it meticulously.


Always remember that the essential part of how to clean a Pendleton wool blanket is to have a pair of tender and gentle hands to do the work.


A must-have is a must-protect.

how big is a 50 by 60 blanket

How Big Is A 50 By 60 Blanket Explained For Beginners?

You might be wondering, how big is a 50 by 60 blanket? A 50×60 blanket is roughly 1.27 meters by 1.54 meters. Relative to a person, it is about the size of a small person, both length and width-wise. 

People in the UK might sometimes call this blanket a throw blanket because it is perfect for throwing over the couch or bed.

What Are The Different Blanket Sizes?

There are various blanket sizes in the market. 

Usually, there are standard sizes. You can expect to find these standard sizes in department stores and other big establishments. However, there may be a slight difference in measurement for small businesses and homemade crafts due to the products’ hand-made nature.

Choosing the right blanket size may seem like a menial task. But the right blanket can sometimes make the most significant difference in a night of restful sleep.

Below are some other blanket sizes and their uses.

  • 28″ x38″

This blanket size is small and compact. It is typically used for babies since it helps keep them warm and cosy at night.  Because these blankets are small in size, they can also be brought along on trips. Babies appreciate having a safety blanket while they are inside a stroller in an unfamiliar place.

Aside from infant use, cats and small dogs can also use this blanket size. It can be used as a pet blanket or as a cover for a pet bed. Lastly, another use for this size is as a throw or accent blanket for couches and beds.

  • 60″ x88″

People in the UK with twin-sized beds will get the most use out of a blanket of this size. Twin-sized mattresses measure about 38″ x74″. 

You can also utilise this blanket as a throw or accent blanket on your couch or full-sized bed.

  • 90″ x88″

This blanket size is most appropriate for queen-sized beds. These are beds that measure about 60″ x80″. They are just a few inches smaller than the most significant bed size, the king size.

Unlike the first two blankets, this one is relatively large. More than one person can sleep cosily underneath a blanket of this size. It’s perfect for sharing with loved ones.

  • 108″ x88″

This blanket size works best for king-sized beds. They are wide and long enough to cover two or more people in the UK sleeping on a bed measuring 78″ x80″.

Why Is It Important To Know How Big Is A 50 By 60 Blanket?

As mentioned previously, the 50×60 blanket is the perfect size for a throw or accent blanket. If this is what you’re looking for, then look no further! This size is the perfect blanket for you.

Additionally, this blanket is not just for aesthetics. It also has practical functions. Like all blankets, it will keep you warm on your bed or couch as you lounge and watch a movie. It also helps create a relaxed and cosy atmosphere in any part of your UK home.

How Do You Take Care Of A 50×60 Blanket?

Before you ask, yes, blankets do need to be washed. Since you use them every night, they accumulate quite a lot of dead cells and dirt. It is essential to maintain their cleanliness to prevent any irritation or illnesses and to promote personal hygiene.

Taking care of a blanket is very easy. Here are a few tips to help you keep your blanket in tip-top shape.

  • Wash regularly

UK experts generally recommend that blankets washed once every two weeks, just like your bedsheets. This frequency is because blankets get a lot of contact with your skin and are prone to dust and dirt buildup.

Most blankets are machine-washable. To be safe, check the tag for specific care instructions.

  • Keep out of direct sunlight

Sunlight is a natural bleaching agent. Prolonged exposure to harsh sunlight will eventually cause stains and discolourations on your blanket. Please keep it away from direct sunlight to avoid unwanted fading.

  • Brush your blanket

Some blankets require brushing to keep the fibres clean and soft. It also makes your blanket stronger. This property is usually applicable to blankets made of wool

To brush a blanket, lay it flat on a clean and smooth surface. Brush it out with a soft-bristled brush to avoid undoing the weave. Use long, sweeping motions to brush your blanket along the longer side.

  • Store in a cool, dark place

When your blanket is not in use, store it in a place where direct sunlight can’t reach your blanket. Make sure the space is also cool. Heat and direct sunlight will cause the fibres of your blanket to fade over time.

If they are stored for a long time and come out a little stiff, you can put them in a dryer with a cool air setting for about two minutes. Doing this will help soften the fabric for use.


If you are still unsure of how big is a 50 by 60 blanket, go back to the key points listed above. You can easily compare each blanket size and find the best one for you. If you are looking for something that can work as an additional design element while providing warmth and cosiness at the same time, then getting the 50×60 blanket is your best option.

how many granny squares to make a blanket

How Many Granny Squares To Make A Blanket Easy?

How Many Granny Squares To Make A Blanket

If it`s your first time knitting, you might be wondering how many granny squares to make a blanket. An average-sized blanket will require 88 blocks, measuring 48 x 66 inches.

That isn`t the only amount you need, though. You can put granny squares on other blanket sizes too! 

A baby blanket that is 42 inches all around will need 49 granny squares. A king-sized bedspread measuring 90 inches will need 225 granny square blocks. 

You need to change the colour of your yarn every two rounds. This way, your blanket will have a beautiful colour pattern! 

What else is there to learn about granny squares? Let`s find out! 

Why Is It Called A Granny Square?

Another name for the granny square blanket is the Afghan, named after the Pashtuns of Afghanistan. The country is famous for producing colourful carpets and unique textiles. 

In 1946, early American women would save the extra scraps of yarn unravelled from old clothes. When there was a considerable accumulation, they would crochet the yarn into tiny, colourful squares. 

They combined the squares to make a beautiful and functional blanket. Older women and grandmothers usually did this task; that`s why it`s called a granny square. 

How Many Rounds Is A Granny Square?

A typical granny square blanket is four to five rounds. Don`t worry, though; we`re not strict when it comes to size. You can make mini-squares of two rounds or a huge square blanket! 

It all depends on what you prefer! Let your creativity flow. 

Variations Of Granny Square Blankets

Did you think granny squares were all, well, square? If you`re not a fan of the typical sharp corners, then there are other variations you can try. 

Crochet ring/magic ring

A magic ring is a way to make a tightly closed centre when you crochet round patches. It doesn’t sound very safe, but it`s a simple task. 

You need to loop the yarn around your fingers and stitch it the way you do for any other crochet work.  Stitch in a circle, and when finished, pull it closed. Tada! You`ve got a magic circle! 

Multi-colour squares

Remember, when you crochet, you can let your creativity show. Feel free to combine any colours that you like. 

You may attach a different-coloured yarn to your finished granny stitch by tying it on. Slowly work your way around it until you have a beautiful pattern. 

It`s great learning the different ways you can make a granny stitch blanket. However, there are other things you should remember when you crochet. Let`s find out!

How Many Skeins Of Yarn Do You Need For A Granny Square?

Afghans use intricate patterns and colour combinations. That means you will need a lot of yarn to make them. 

You will need 13 to 18 skeins of yarn for a full-size blanket. You will use more skeins the more colours you combine. 

If you use fewer colours, you may only need ten skeins. It all depends on your pattern and how much you want to put.

Here are some tips to remember when you plan your yarn amount in the UK. 

Factors to determine yarn amount

  • Yarn weight

The heavier the yarn, the fewer skeins you will need. A lightweight thread will need more.

The best yarn for a blanket is the acrylic blend. If you`re making a washcloth or a coaster, then cotton is your go-to yarn. 

  • Item size 

Clothes don`t need so much yarn. If you`re planning to make a blanket, you will need to stock up on your thread. 

  • Stitch type 

Different stitches use different amounts of yarn. The granny stitch uses more yarn than the single crochet. 

  • Crochet hook size 

Your hook can affect the pattern of your crochet. Larger hooks will make the stitches farther apart; therefore, you will need more yarn. 

An excellent size crochet hook for a granny square stitch is 5mm. However, it all depends on your thread. If the stitches are too tight, then go for a larger hook. 

  • Tension and gauge 

Like the previous factor, if your design requires less tension, it will have more space between the stitches. 

How Many Days Will It Take To Make The Blanket? 

It all depends on your design and how much time you dedicate to making your craft. A large blanket may take from a few days to a week.

A smaller blanket will take you less time. Don`t let it pressure you, though, especially if you are a beginner. Let your creativity push you and create a beautiful pattern you will love. 


Are you excited to try your granny squares? This style is easy to master once you get the hang of it. 

This granny square pattern is not strict in any way. Don`t worry too much about how many granny squares to make a blanket you need. It is easy to tweak depending on how you want it to look.

Just let your creativity flow on your crocheting and work until you`re satisfied with the results!

what is the average size of a baby blanket

What Is The Average Size Of A Baby Blanket In Total?

Baby blankets come in different sizes to cater to various needs. If you`re a new parent, you might be wondering: what is the average size of a baby blanket?

Before that, though, why should we know about baby blankets? Baby blankets are valuable pieces of fabric that provide your baby with many things. 

First and foremost, they keep babies warm. Next, they help keep babies safe. They can also keep babies entertained.

Lastly, your child can see a blanket as a safe space. 

What Is The Average Size Of A Baby Blanket?

It is hard to designate just one standard size for all baby blankets. Baby blankets usually come in different sizes according to their use. 

However, the sizes are generally around 18 to 40 inches in width and 18 to 60 inches in length, depending on the type.

What Are The Kinds of Baby Blankets?

Baby blankets categorised according to their purpose. The most common uses of baby blankets are swaddling blankets, receiving blankets, crib blankets, and multi-use blankets.

Each type has a corresponding size or range of measures appropriate for its purpose.

Swaddle blanket

The first one is the swaddle blanket. These blankets used for swaddling or the act of wrapping a baby in a blanket.

Some UK paediatricians recommend this blanket for newborns. They are said to mimic the feeling of being in the womb, so it helps babies get used to the outside world.

Aside from this, swaddling blankets help keep newborns warm while their bodies can`t produce warmth for themselves yet.

Lastly, swaddling blankets help babies sleep through the night because it deals with their startle reflex.

The usual size of these blankets is 48 x 48 inches, but they also come in many different sizes.

Receiving blanket

The second kind of baby blanket is the receiving blanket. This blanket is usually thin.

Aside from being thin, the receiving blanket is also usually small. The standard size for this blanket is about 18 x 18 inches to 36 x 36 inches.

Since babies can proliferate, they usually grow out of these blankets fast. Still, a lot of parents prefer to keep them as security blankets for their children.

Generally, they used for a lot of things, especially during early infancy. They typically used for swaddling, burping, and other similar activities.

Crib blanket

As the name suggests, crib blankets are blankets used inside a baby`s crib. However, parents usually advised to stave off loose fabrics on a baby`s crib until their child is at least one year old.

UK experts recommend it for safety reasons because babies can get caught in them and suffer from injuries.

Crib blankets are generally 40 x 60 inches in size, but a slight variation is allowed. Crib blankets should be big enough to cover a toddler, and ultimately, a toddler`s bed. 

Since crib blankets designed for younger children, keeping loose threads or buttons away from their curious hands is essential.

Multi-use blanket

Babies can use multi-use blankets for a variety of reasons. Children can use them as security blankets or lovey blankets. 

Parents also like to use these blankets for travelling. You can use them as stroller blankets or car seat covers during the colder seasons.

If they`re thick enough, you can also use multi-use blankets as an activity blanket for your young one. They should provide enough cushion to prevent injuries and enough space for your baby to crawl and play comfortably.

These blankets can measure 30 x 40 inches.

What Is The Best Crochet Stitch For A Baby Blanket?

Baby blankets are a thoughtful and practical gift to any new parent. If you`d like to add another layer of thoughtfulness to your present, making your baby blanket from scratch might be the route for you.

There are many different ways you can make a baby blanket. A popular method is through crochet.

Here are a few handy stitches you can try while making a baby blanket:

  • Cross-over block stitch. This stitch combines three foundational crochet stitches: chain, single crochet, and double crochet.
  • Wattle stitch. This stitch creates a fun and unique texture that babies and parents are sure to adore.
  • Star stitch. This stitch takes its name from the starburst pattern you will form from this stitch.
  • Blanket stitch. This stitch makes use of one single crochet stitch and two double crochet stitches. It yields a simple but lovely blanket.
  • Bobble stitch. This easy stitch uses the double stitch. It creates a playful texture that any baby will surely enjoy.


We learned the different types of baby blankets (swaddle, receiving, crib, and multi-use), we also got to find out what is the average size of a baby blanket!

Aside from this, we also found out what stitches work best for crocheting your baby blanket. You can now make a baby blanket, whether as a gift to new UK parents or for your child.

how to wash a knit blanket

How To Wash A Knit Blanket In 2 Proven Steps?

Eager to know how to wash a knit blanket inside the comfort of your home in the UK?

Not so fast; you need to think of a washing method appropriate for the fibre first. Although, to be frank, the trusted way of doing it is by hand.

In this tutorial, we will help you decide what’s best for your blanket. You can follow the simple steps listed below to help you keep track of the process.

Also, we answered common questions to help you in decision-making.

Know The Type of Yarn

Do you recall making the blanket yourself? If so, run to the yarn’s care instructions to have a clear idea of dos and don’ts.

However, if you purchased the blanket in the UK or have thrown away the thread already, you could gamble on guesswork by texture or appearance.

One simple trick you can do is to burn loose threads. The remnant ashes are telltale signs of the material, and the smell produced gives further clues.

Do this by cutting a small section or pulling away tassels from the blanket.

Here is how to tell apart cotton, acrylic, wool, and polyester from each other. With cotton, the fibre should feel cold instead of acrylic and wool that holds heat long after.

Once burned, the consistency of ash left by cotton is fine and will smell of leaves.

When it comes to wool, the texture is rough. Expose it to a flame, and expect to smell dampened fur from a wet dog. The ash left behind is hard and crumbles to the touch.

Now, please don’t fall prey to the similar feel of wool and confuse it with acrylic. Yes, they are the same, but acrylic has no smell whatsoever except when burned.

You can quickly tell because it melts and produces smoke, creating a chemical odour.

Finally, polyester stands out the most because of its sweet odour. It burns quickly but leaves no trace of ash.

Instead, it produces melted drops, along with noticeable black smoke.

Tips On How To Wash A Knit Blanket

  • What if items have holes that need repair? Well, in that case, you can repair it yourself by using a graft stitch. Although, if the gap is too small, you can grab a needle and stitch it close.

If you’re not confident enough, you can hire a knitter to repair the damage. Professional knitters know precisely how to fix the problem at hand.

Also, they probably have the right colours of thread to match your blanket.

  • If you have stubborn stains, treat them by directly pouring a drop or so of detergent on the area. Rub the spot and let it sit for a while before washing.

Find a cloth, dip it in water, and “rinse” until the stain goes away.

  • Hot water is a deal-breaker for knitted blankets. Never use them lest the fibre melt, spoiling the item or causing shrinkage.

Now we will proceed to the two options of cleaning methods. All blankets are different and will need attention to care. In this regard, the care label is your go-to in choosing which works best.

Method #1. Machine Wash

  • Step #1. Choose a mild detergent.

  • Step #3. Wash with cold water on a gentle cycle for linen and cotton, and wash with other items.

Method #2. Hand Wash

  • Step #1. Choose a detergent that is gentle for hands.

  • Step #3. Mix detergent with cold water and soak the blankets.

Should I wash by hand or machine?

Whether you should wash by hand or machine will rely upon the type of yarn.

You have the green light to machine wash with fibres such as cotton, polyester, or acrylic.

Otherwise, for wool, and rarely, for more expensive fabrics like cashmere, prefer hand washing on cold water to avoid damage.

Which detergent should I use?

To protect your hands during hand washing, opt for detergent formulas that are mild to the skin and delicate fabrics.

Choosing a suitable detergent is just as important as the cleaning method, along with water temperature. When you wash, use cold water, and do the same when rinsing.

In the particular case of wool, look for detergent containing lanolin. Not only does it preserve wool fibres, but this natural oil will also maintain the pristine condition a little longer.

For wool, strictly wash in cold water to keep the woven fibres intact, while for synthetic or cotton ones, freely choose between warm or cold water.


Knitted blankets keep us warm and cosy during cold nights. Although they are treasured, not everyone knows how to wash a knit blanket at home in the UK.

Paying for dry cleaning in the UK will only hurt your pockets, so a more practical move is to clean it yourself.

how to fold a blanket for display

4 Bonus Ways Of How To Fold A Blanket For Display?

Neatly draping it over your couch is the best way on how to fold a blanket for display. It’s a way to keep your living room stylish and clean.


Who doesn’t love having a blanket handy at home in the UK? You can snuggle up in them when the weather is chilly.


There’s just one problem with having several blankets; they make your house look messy!


Imagine when you walk into your living room and see mounds of multicoloured cloth all around. Isn’t the thought revolting?


That’s why blanket folding tips come in handy. You will be able to organise your sheets in clever hiding places.


What better place to hide them than in plain sight?


Why Should You Fold Your Blanket? 

So, you know that leaving your blankets spread around the house can make it look like a pig-sty. Proper folding and display methods can add a unique style to your UK home.


It will look more neat and cosy, and you won’t be embarrassed to invite friends over!


Proper blanket folding can also help you save space. You may not realise it, but a spread-out blanket can take up a sitting room and make your area look smaller.


A few folding tricks can work wonders for your living space. With a bit of patience and creativity, your UK place will be the talk of the town.


Methods On How To Fold a Blanket for Display 

There are a variety of methods you can use to fold your blanket. You can choose which one is the best for you, depending on your space and blanket type.


Method #1. Flip-and-flop

This method is terrific if you want to make your space feel casual. Medium-sized blankets made of cotton or wool look great like this.


  • Step #1. Fold the blanket in half vertically.


  • Step #2. Match up the corners.


  • Step #3. Place it over your forearm and flop it over the sofa.


Method #2. Tidy folding

Tidy folding is the most common folding method used for living rooms. It gives a clean feeling, and it’s excellent for more oversized blankets.


  • Step #1. Fold the blanket in thirds lengthwise.


  • Step #2. Fold it in half, so you have a neat rectangle.


  • Step #3. Drape the blanket over a corner of your sofa.


  • Step #4. Place some throw pillows in front if you desire.


Method #3. Pinch-and-toss

Pinch and toss is another casual folding style. As the name suggests, you gently toss the blanket around until it settles in a position you like.


  • Step #1. Fold your blanket in half vertically, once more.


  • Step #2. Pinch the middle of the fold.


  • Step #3. Gently toss it onto an area of your furniture.


  • Step #4. Repeat the process until it lands just the way you like it.


  • Step #5. Add pillows to compliment the blanket.


Method #4. Rolling 

Yes, you read that right. Rolling is another excellent way to fold your blanket neatly.


This method is suitable for blankets made of thick material.


  • Step #1. Lay your blanket flat on the floor.




  • Step #4. Lay another foot of the blanket on top.



  • Step #6. Fold the pocket over to keep it rolled up. Be careful that the blanket doesn’t come loose


So, are you the neat and organised, or the laid-back and casual type? You’re free to choose whichever style matches your furniture and house the most.


The tidy folding method is one of the most popular because it keeps your blanket accessible. When you feel the chills, flick open your throw!


What Is The Best Type Of Blanket To Fold?

One can make blankets of any material. The most common are wool, linen, and cotton.


There are even some artificial fabrics like polyester and acrylic.


You can fold blankets of any material, but fabric made of cotton goes great with casual looks since it doesn’t wrinkle easily.


Try to observe if your blanket has a unique design or pattern. Fold it in a way that you can still appreciate the fabric itself.


A tidy or rolling fold may hide these patterns.


Is It Important To Compliment The Colors?

Let’s say you want to up the designing game for your house. What other things can you do with your blanket?


Choosing the right colour can make a significant impact on how your living room will look. Make sure the shades of the blanket complement those of the sofa.


For example, light green or blue blankets are for the best effect if you have a dark green couch.


Make sure your colours also match the aesthetic of your room. Traditional or farmhouse styles go great with Earthy colours, while a minimalist style needs a monochromatic scheme.


So, there you have it! Your comfy blanket can bring the room together and make it beautiful.


If you know how to fold a blanket for display matched with the right colours, you can transform your home in the United Kingdom into a magazine cover.

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